Name some old game shows
Yes ,
I know what you mean about winning the lotto now if my money doll charm would only do it’s work. I would be very happy too:smileyhappy:
I love all the craft items you included in your drawing. I do think it is great and yes it brings many a smile:smileyhappy: Thank you for your artist ability.:heart: I too would love to see more of your work:smileyhappy:
You are welcome my friend:smileyhappy: I cannot let great artistic designs go by the way side.
Your HSN friend,
CupaTea I stopped in purr your invite and I am glad that I did. Sounds like you watched the Puppy Bowl with Kitty GaGa? She was Purr Fect during half time.
That was nice of you to find my cartoon, CupaTea……I hope to have something new up this week, if all goes well.
Kitty needs to win the lottery to afford all she’d like to buy! LOL We’ll post something about our wish lists, soon, in your other discussion. Have a good evening, CupaTea!
Conversation Info
Posted in Toys & Games
4 Replies
02.20.17 2:11 PM
0 Participants