For those of us who just want to see the answers/code…look here.
Anyone is welcome to post the answers here, but please just the answsers, NO pictures, NO chitchat.
This is just for those who want to play in a hurry. Thanks for respecting those of us who are in a hurry.
1st question What year was the first televised football game? 1939
Callie Northagens favorite football team is Minnesota:
Thank you Trekky . After a very difficult post op appoinment , winning 250 Tickets thanks to your kindness brighten my evening . :Today my mom would be 88 years young . RIP :heart:
how often do the trivia questions post? like every 30 mins or so? please share. xoxo
32 for 100 😉
How many teams? 32 is the answer.
please share the code with me i will be eternally greatful
what is the today’s code to enter to play today?
Faith & Grammy; the CODE is equal to the answer to the trivia questions. It changes every 15-30 minutes.
After that 15 min the code/answer is no longer valid, so you would have to wait for the next question!
Keep watching and playing with us!
From 6pm EST-11pmEST.
False for another 100
the answer is PAY for another 100 tickets
GRAMMY the code is the same thing as the answser. You answer trivia questions that are posted on the arcade.
We give the answers which is the same thing as the code. HSN origianlly called it a code but they should change that word.
HSN prepares you for the holidays startingb in the month of
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Posted in Toys & Games
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10.29.16 4:22 AM
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