Shoes Shoes shoes!
Hi Everyone! Since Ive Bought my wife a couple new dresses A question poped in my head! This is really for the ladies, ( I hope i get some real responces! and from you all ) How many pairs of shoes do you own….. That you dont wear? We have (my Wife) lots! Probably 20 some pair! She probably only wears 5. How many Ladies?:smileyfrustrated: And do you still buy more?
Hi Steve, my guess is around 150-200. My closet is above the 2-car garage and in the middle of it I have a full width 5-level rack for just shoes in boxes. I wear on regular basis probably 1/3 or less; and that is an optimistic estimate. I am 40, and wear HIGH hills only when I am DEDICATED to go out to formal places – when I know I will be mostly sitting, admired and looking HOT. When I go out and think I will be walking I wear more sensible shoes (kitten heel). When I wear high heels I have an emergency pair in the car. For a long time I was contemplating buying Manolo Blahnik shoes from "Sex in the City" but opted out, since they were SATIN. I do not own thongs or flip-flops. I buy about 2-3 pairs a month. How about your wife?:smileywink:
Wow! I should have gotten into the shoe buisiness! Thank You For All the great post:smileyhappy:
OH Steve!!!!!!!! I told my hubby and taught my sons LONG TIME AGO…there are 2 things you NEVER ask a lady…how old she is….and how many pairs of shoes she owns!!!!!!!! :womanlol:
(I’m at over 100…pairs of shoes that is…) But that’s only because I cleaned them out and donated a bunch.
given our red carpet obsessed society, ladies now need several categories of shoes in their shoe closets- just to survive their everyday commitments and differing schedules. the modern day woman needs all kinds of shoes from sandals and aqua socks to glitz and glamour high-end designer heels because of their active and varied calenders. for instance, women may start off at the gym in the morning, work all day and then have a black tie affair in the late evening. what may seem like a lot of shoes to an outsider is really just a relative conclusion. in the end, i say, if a theory of relativity worked for the great scientist albert einstein, a theory of relativity can work for us too. love it!! stay awesome, my friends- because you are worth it. xoxo.
it’s a great question, wonder how many pair of jeans I own, or tops, to match, lol.
Hi eveyone, I just had to get in on this one since I am such a shoe lover, I have always loved shoes and tall sexy boots too as long as I can remeber. When I lived in New York in high school I remember scouring 34th street going to every store before making my final choice. I have two over the door shoe racks that hold 36 pairs and both racks are full. My seasonal shoes (winter/summer) I keep under the bed and change out the ones on the rack when the season changes. I just got three new pairs, a pair of orange pumps, a pair of turquoise pumps (they match my Wendy Williams reversible dress perfectly and probably her piped skirt I haven’t gotten yet) and a pair of dorsay floral print pumps. If I had my choice I would have a pair of shoes to match every outfit and I pretty much do. As soon as I buy an outfit my next thought is what shoe do I have to go with it. The great thing about shoes; you can buy them no matter what size you are and they look fabulous. My favorites are my high heels, I love a sexy high heeled sandal or pump, I own only two pairs of flats, about four pairs of wedges and I prefer unusual pumps. I am tall 5’10 but it makes no difference to me, I seldom wear flats unless the ocaison calls for it, going to the park, playing tennis, etc.
I just gave away about 20 pairs (that I had never worn), but I still have at least 40 other pairs that I wear throughout the year.
steve 651,
I do not know how many pair of shoes I have. I was asked yesterday how many Born shoes I have.
That answer is 7 pairs.
Wow Im amazed! Im glad to here from you all I really didnt expect to get much reply? I figured you all would think what is this some kind of perve! im not tell n him what i own! all you ladies are Awsome! and thank you for enlighten me!:smileyhappy:
HI STEVE I may have 30 pair after a big donation . I went from spike heels to medium down to a Joan Boyce kitten heel love her shoes . I love my back zip boots and they are knee hi as are most of my boots i wear with jeans I stil buy more Boots with a low heel tucked in or out of jeans and a blazer my favorite look. The highest i can go is abuot 3 inches.My husband likes to see me in dresses but i wear alot of jeans.Jeans are so much easier.
Steve, I have over 50 pair of shoes that I wear. Don’t know exactly how many! That doesn’t count boots or flip flops either.
This is almost embarrassing, but I easily have about 200 pair of shoes. Shoes, low shows, high heels (which I prefer), medium heels etc and just about all Vince Camoto sandals, VC Boots (AWESOME), athletic shoes, boots for cold weather, boots that can be worn all day. The one kind of shoe I don’t like to particularly wear are flats as I’m only 5’2". When I find a style I like, and IF I can afford it…I get most all the colors. BTW—those suede English Brogues (oxfords) that Twiggy brought are awesome. I wish she’d bring them back. I’d love to get a pair for my sisters.
You also asked ‘shoes that we don’t wear?’ I wear them all. I rotate my shoe stock the same way grocery stores rotate their items on the shelf. There are a couple of my friends that have the same shoe size, so I loan out a lot of shoes too. They’re always returned in perfect condition. If my sisters wore the same size…I’d be shoeless lol
I only own 3 pair.,and i wear all 3.:)
NO COMMENT, I am a from the Jersey Shore, & Italian, love to shop. oh we only wear flip flops lol, joking, I can’t comment, guilty!!
Conversation Info
Posted in Shoes
31 Replies
06.30.15 5:51 PM
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