libby.edelman flats HELP
, Visa Checkout is not fraud. If you’re using Visa Checkout, you won’t be able to apply your Spendable Ka$h to your order. As far as the email from Visa, I haven’t heard of any customers getting emails from them. Did you reach out to Visa about your concern? I’m not sure if you can get out of the service once you’ve used it. You can certainly choose not to use Visa Checkout to process your orders.
Of course it can be helpful to others but its also seen as weekness to a bully type person.Its a thin line between trying to do the kind thing and allowing someone to get to your feelings…and No it does not make it right but sadly that is the way it is online so one has to protect their own feelings by ignoring those type comments and focusing on the good comments.If a person wants to be an A$$ they can do so but I won’t give them satisfaction of acknowledging it.HSN is tame compared to most forums.Many are open and not moderated so anyone is far game to be atatcked.Maybe that makes a difference as to how one preceives being attacked or cruel comments.Personally I haven’t read anything on this form that I would glance twice at and think it was cruel or mean.I do think some of the comments about the hosts are inapproprite but I am sure since they are open to the public ridicule they ignore it too.
If someone said some of the things to me in REAL LIFE then yes I would be mad but online I use a whole different guideline as what upsets me.
I totally understand what u r saying, but I hate being told to “toughen up.” And just bc it “happens a lot” doesn’t make it right. U said, “Tender feelings is rarely a good thing on forums.” But I believe my tenderness is helpful to others.
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Posted in Shoes
4 Replies
07.28.16 4:25 PM
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