Jessica Simpson
I agree with others! Huge fan of her but clearly she was on something!!! I felt bad for her and the host….she was struggling to try to act normal but it just wasn’t happening! Hope she gets better! I still love her!
Jessica-love her! Supposedly she was extremely tired-hopefully that was the problem-some people do get that way with traveling and all,I’d give her a second chance-providing she was "more rested":womanvery-happy:
I prob watched about 10 mins and could not any longer. Most of the time, even if I don’t like what Colleen is selling I will stay and watch because I enjoy Colleen so much. But I just could not bare to watch Jessica….I was embarrassed for her. Hopefully if she is on again, she will be in better condtion for the show.
I could tell after a few minutes of watching that she was drunk. No big deal for me since I don’t purchase from celebrities, and I moved on to watch something else. Sad that HSN felt forced to continue with the presentations.
I feel embarrassed to have told friends that I wore were from HSN. They have told me they were appalled at Jessica. She was a mess. I won’t be buying because I do not support behavior like that. QVC, here I come!
Jessica Simpson’s Boots Are Made for Walking! … They walked all over HSN and HSN’s Host. They will not walk over me because I won’t purchase the product.
But Surely, her Boots ARE Made for Walking – They should Have Walked on Off the set.
Oh dear. It was far too nerve wracking to continue watching.
Appeared at first to be jitters and I can relate to that, but it kept
getting more and more annoying.
She had a top notch host to work with and she should have been
on her game or asked to step off the set and let her mother and
Colleen take it from there.
I watch and shop HSN alot, and this was so very uncomfortable.
Jessica, if this format creates anxiety, by all means appoint a
representative because it appears to be a nice line of apparel.
When ones reputation is at stake, sometimes one just has to step
away and let the pros handle it.
Jessica Simpson fashions are sold in top markets. Last year her fashion line took in over one billion dollars in revenue (that is with Billion with a B)
She is on Forbes list of most successful women in the world .
Thanks HSN for carrying her line, thanks Jessica for being here .
As a woman I am happy to see a woman being so good at her business.
jus sayin
I agree also. I am a fan of Jessica Simpson, she is one talented, beautiful women…but last night it was very obvious that she was "not herself". I think that is why her mom Tina was there…so she could talk about the line ’cause it was obvious Jessica could not…Colleen did a great job keeping things moving smoothly considering the situation… I wish her all the best…her line is fantastic and so is her perfumes! No worries Jessica—we al have "bad" days!!
I am a huge fan of her shoes, bags and clothes. Jessica has a great marketing group behind her, but clearly she was just "being herself" last night. I don’t think they would allow her to be on live television if she were drunk. Not HSN!!! It’s hard, she is young and she is not known for being a rocket scientist. She has always has been kinda scatter brained, and nutty, and I think Colleen did a great job selling her products. I say HURRAY for COLLEEN and AMY for trooping through, being the most spectacular show hosts and for selling lots of great Jessica items last night (white feather et all!) haha
I want to welcome all the new friends , visitors and others in the community. It is fantastic seeing so many here .
Have a funderful day , this is a great place . HSN is a fun place .
Wow…that was a hot mess. I don’t know what she was on but clearly it was something. The giggling was too much. Poor Colleen Lopez…she held it together. Never again.
I doubt HSN would let Jessica on the air if she were drunk. She seemed nervous. Live unscriped TV is not that easy; I think she was very jittery.
I’ve never seen her on here before, and will never watch her again. Shame on her, her mom, and HSN for allowing this idiot on live TV in such an obviously altered state. Poor Colleen, it must have been the longest 2 hrs. of her life. She would have done much better to present the items by herself. Isn’t it the duty of the producer(s) to prevent such a ridiculous situation? She ought to have been told to ‘go sleep it off’ and let the show go on without her. Hoping the network uses better judgment in the future. I don’t care how much of a celebrity or fashion maven Simpson may be, she looked awful with that hair in her face, and her actions were as unprofessional as it gets.
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Posted in Shoes
14 Replies
09.20.15 1:59 AM
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