Jessica Simpson
Maybe HSN would be better served to stop putting so many celebrities on that only publicly show the worst side of the entertainment business and instead give young unknown designers a chance. Simpson has had substance abuse problems for years – she had no business being on last night after they saw her condition. I for one
really object to the fact you are so star struck that you couldnt make a decision she was not fit to be on live TV.
Truly disgusting.
I changed the channel after her first couple of sentences. I was so done, and I always try and watch when Colleen is on. I am really shocked that HSN allows these things to occur.
Not only did I watch it, but I recorded it, so I was able to replay it. You really do have to SEE it to believe it. I felt badly for poor Colleen.
It was painful to watch…I was so embarrased for her. HSN couldn’t you tell she was in LaLaLand???
I was wondering if she had a problem due to how she was talking and her mannerisms. Her and her mom being there seemed useless as they didn’t seem to give any input on the merchandise. I didn’t think she had anything worth buying.
Just saw That Her family is giving her an ultimatum. Telling her she needs to go to Rehab for her drinking and RX abuse. How in the heck can the BIG!! head Honcho of HSN say there was nothing wrong with her. Oh!!! I know why because all he saw was $$$$$$$ signs :smileymad:
When the national talk shows notice HSN because of Jessica Simpson, HSN should realize not good publicity.
I flipped by the channel and could tell right away she was drunk. How sad that HSN kept her on. No biggie for me since I don’t purchase from celebrities.
I was wondering what everyone was talking about in all the posts.
All I can say is WoW! I just watched the boot infomericial. It would have been better if she did not even show up! :womansurprised:
I agree with you, how many teen agers were watching, not a good example.
I felt bad for Colleen.
Very bad taste.
Thanks HSN for carrying her line, thanks Jessica for being here .
As a woman I am happy to see a woman being so good at her business.
jus sayin
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Posted in Shoes
11 Replies
10.12.15 9:49 AM
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