Comfortable dress shoes
i have the worst feet. Bunions, flat, hammer toes ????. I have a few weddings this year. Any suggestions for a brand of shoes that I could get comfortable but appropriate for wearing with a party dress? Thanks for any help you can offer.
Gianni Bini sold at Dillards are The most comfortable yet stylish shoes i have ever seen..they have great cushiony support and great design
Years ago I remember wearing Easy Spirit. They had the commercial with the women playing basketball in them. They were comfortable. Penneys use to have them. I know what you mean. I always see cute pumps but when you put them on it feels like you are standing on cardboard and it is hard to just fine a comfortable 3′ heel. I do remember hush puppies being really comfortable. Good luck.
Sounds like me (feet problems).
Miz Mooz offers comfy shoes that are dressy
I’ll check nordstroms. I don’t have one near me, though, but I will look on line. My search continues.
Thanks so so much for taking the time to reply.
I found Hushpuppies brand “Angel” pumps are comfortable, low heeled and available in a range of sizes and widths. They are available in most department stores and online from $ 20 to $ 50. I like Clarks and Trotters too, but they are expensive. I need arch support in my shoes to be comfortable. Flats aren’t always comfortable. I like shoes with a lower stacked heel and padded toe area. I went to a wedding last year in a pair of new shoes, and couldn’t bear to stand or walk after the first 1/2 hour. I learned my lesson. Wear new dress shoes for a day before an event. Best of luck!
Yes thank you Velvet about mentioning Nordstrom’s. They have shoes for all widths from super narrow to very wide.
one of the brands is called “Munro”. If you don’t have a Nordstrom give their 800 number a call and I bet they give you the brand names so you can look online. Good luck.:smileyhappy:
Do you have a Nordstrom near you? The salespeople there will be if help.
I would recommend viting your local shoe store – like Irving Fly shoe store or whichever – the kind with lots of service and tell them the story.
For what it’s worth, you might consider carrying a pair of loafers – silver or bedazzled or something and change into them as the reception progresses.
IF you are confident enough though and there will be enough younger people I would recommend…. Converse sneakers or Vans. Yes. Dress and all. And sneakers in matching colors. This trend is now beyond teenagers. You can grab a glue gun and bedazzle the shoes. Actually, forget matching color. Not matching color. Red or pink. well it’s up to you.
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Posted in Shoes
9 Replies
07.15.16 6:14 PM
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