Betula sandals
Since slaving in a kitchen is not my cuppa, my Holiday Hack is making reservations at our favourite restaurants for Thanksgiving and Christmas… made ’em last week. Now, I can relax, decorate, shop ’til I drop and, on said days, get all gussied-up to go out and rejoice with the world!
Okay, okay… I do admit to making Pumpkin Chiffon Pie for Thanksgiving and from-scratch Eggnog for Christmas. But that’s ALL I’m willing to do in the kitchen for the holidays! *lol*
I shop all year long and put things away so it won’t be such a burden during the holidays. I shop online as much as possible and that helps to. I buy my cards, wrapping paper, etc. after Christmas and put it away for the following year.
I wish I had some hacks.
But instead, I just do everything last minute and stress until the day of, then “Thank God I made it!” -
I stay OUT of malls and stores
i also shop ALL YEAR ROUND!!!:heart: i like to do most of my shopping online. i find that this gives me the most choices and options AND i can go at my own pace. like most human beings, i do not like to feel restricted yet i do love a bargain. also, i must admit that i do enjoy a stroll or two through the mall around thanksgiving- just for flava and if i am up to it. i kind of like to feel the holiday pulse of other shoppers. but, caution, this only works if i am NOT stressed. i also, LOVE to shop the DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS!! even if i don’t need anything, i hit up my favorite stores for ultimate clearance opportunities. here’s an ultimate confession: my favorite store to go to after christmas day is my local bed bath and beyond. they carry a lot of gorgeous seasonal items including italian food products at drastically reduced prices. last year, my mom and i found a lot of authentic paluani brand baked good items. the expiration date was not until june 2016. that meant my family and i had a full 6 months to enjoy the goodies. needless to say, they were gone much, much sooner. just love it!!! xoxo psandbtw, i do have one caution- gift cards!!!! :heart: :heart:PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT THE GIFT CARDS YOU ARE ABOUT TO PURCHASE DO NOT HAVE ACTIVATION FEES!!!!:heart:sometimes, you may purchase a $25 value gift card- but it may have a $5 activation fee. which means that the gift card value then drops to $20 instead of $25, for example. i know that most people work hard for their money AND that they would like to give a great impression to the gift recipient- who wouldn’t?? no one wants to be disappointed. :heart:SO, PLEASE DO YOUR RESEARCH BEFORE PURCHASING GIFT CARDS!!!:heart: this will save a lot of heartache later on. love you all :heart:and happy holidays!!!:heart: :heart:xoxo:heart:
I buy my big ticket items early with Flexpay – that way they are out of the way and almost paid off by Christmas!
Make a list and plan in advance! Online shopping on HSN always saves time, which I love when the holidays get busy!
I finish all of my major shopping before the start of December, so all that’s left are smaller items or last minute extra gifts! Such a relief to not have to go to the store during the crazy time!
Instead of buying expensive decorations, I buy cheap wrapping paper, ribbons, and bows, and wrap up all my pictures in the house into presents on the walls!:smileyvery-happy:
Social Media! I use Pinterest to keep gift ideas organized. If people I’m buying gifts for have boards I look at those, sometimes even their Twitter and Facebook feeds sparks a good idea!!
You can always look at products a person has favorited on HSN :smileywink:
In the p a s t I have re-gifted some things given to me to give to others. Most of the time the re-gifting was because they would not benefit me and I knew people that could use them. Is that a faux pas? If so, I’m still guilty. :robothappy:
Normally I get all my decorations after the holidays, when everything is clearanced out. So I’m well stocked by now! Now for our Holiday dinner and preparation, l start stocking up in late September to early October!
I have found out prices at grocery stores go up late October through December, so everything that can be stored or frozen I buy ahead of time. The savings are about 40% doing it this way! Of course I use all my coupons and time double couponing as well. Take advantage of any savings membership and apps. Last year I actually paid a mere $8 for a 20lb turkey! So that was something to Gobble Gobble about! 😉
I try to have all my shopping done before Thanksgiving and do 95% of it online. I have a special closet that holds all my gifts until the holidays get here.
I am a baker and I start baking right after Thanksgiving and keep going until the freezer is full. Homemade cookies make the best gifts for families, friends, neighbors, delivery drivers and just about everyone I know. There is nothing better than homemade cookies.
I leave for Florida before the holidays, so making sure everything is done early is a must. That way I have time to sit back and enjoy the holidays both with family in my hometown of Michigan and again with more family and friends in Florida.
You won’t find me anywhere near a Mall after Thanksgiving! If there is a last minute gift I need, HSN will deliver my gift right to their doorstep!
I try ( and I do mean try) not to procrastinate about shopping, baking and decorating. Does not usually work and I run around like a chicken with my head cut off.
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