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, I just checked this item and the current price is $59.90, so an adjustment is not available.
The past few years have been hard for me and my family. My children are spread out ,one in Florida,one in Tennessee, and two in New Jersey as well as my mom who has had health issues. My grandbabies and great grands are even in other states! My money is tight, last year I had three near death experiences! I usually do not buy gifts because I can’t give to them all! Well now my family has become extended! Thanks to HSN! I have been able to do for everyone. I live life most days as if they might be my last. And everyone on my list is about to find out how important they real!y are,thanks to my HSN FAMILY!!!
Our family gathers on Christmas Eve. My husband and I cook different type of menu each year. This year it will be Chinese dishes. My kids and grandkids know to invite anyone who may be alone for Christmas. They just need to let me know so I can make sure they get a gift too. We have had up to 40 people some years and it,s great to show God’s love to those who would otherwise be alone.
Holidays without snow, I moved to Texas from New York. Miss it very much. My grandson is 22yrs ,, old now still want to keep his tradition opening a couple of gifts Christmas Eve and the rest Christmas Day. He is an Army brat. It’s a good tradition. I like it better this way. Happy Holidays to HSN families, and everyone
I spend a lot of time making a gift list and checking it a million times. I buy gifts for neighbors, doctor’s offices, the mailman and the UPS delivery man. I also buy for my children and grandchildren. It’s getting more difficult now that they’re getting older and two are boys. It’s always easier to buy gifts for girls.
We celebrate Chanukah, so we light the menorah for eight nights. The holiday meal includes potato pancakes served with sour cream or applesauce.
Our family grew so fast afew years back we are now renting a township hall.We still are able to have our Ham dinner and everyone brings a dish to pass the grandkids and great-grandchildren all get goodie bags and play games..And of course gifts for our parents..
Holidays are stressful when you have 2 families and a child comes into your life. My hubby and I spent several of those first years, shuffling to his parents house on Christmas Eve (all day affair really) and then going to my brother’s house on Christmas day.
As our son was getting older, (think he was 6 or 7), we’d see the sadness in his eyes, after opening gifts here at home; then getting ready to go visit more family on Christmas day, he never truly seemed happy leaving his pile of new gifts and toys. Nor was I with all running around.
I finally said, ENOUGH. Warned my brother months before the next Christmas, that we would not be coming on Christmas day. So a new Christmas tradition began.
Christmas Day, the 3 of us, never get out of our PJs!. We lounge around, open our gifts leisurely, and watch Movies! (Someone is always getting a few new DVDs). I’m happier, our son was very much happier, and so was Hubby.
Hubby makes a Prime Rib Dinner, with baked potato, sauted mushrooms, salad. Then back to the living room to lounge away the rest of the day.
My son will be 20 this Christmas, and we still enjoy the new, calmer, less hectic tradition 🙂
Hacks? I thought a hack (and hacking) was a bad thing?! Hard to keep up with the new meanings of words these days. :womanfrustrated:
I like making g my own family traditions with my grandchildren, and my great grandchildren! Take time now because, before you know it ,it’gone !
XBOX, only 349.95 ! Wow,just in time for Christmas!
My husband and I a few years back started our tradition the day after thanksgiving we put up the tree and decorate it. Then I have the rest of the week to do the house. I take everything of the tables and put up little villages, small decorated trees all around, and candles etc…anything with a christmas theme I put it out. Just love the christmas season, but now that I no longer live on the east coast what I miss most of all is that beautiful white christmas with all the snow!
I do all of my baking in early November and freeze my cookies. Then I just defrost as needed!
I try ( and I do mean try) not to procrastinate about shopping, baking and decorating. Does not usually work and I run around like a chicken with my head cut off.
I try to have all my shopping done before Thanksgiving and do 95% of it online. I have a special closet that holds all my gifts until the holidays get here.
I am a baker and I start baking right after Thanksgiving and keep going until the freezer is full. Homemade cookies make the best gifts for families, friends, neighbors, delivery drivers and just about everyone I know. There is nothing better than homemade cookies.
I leave for Florida before the holidays, so making sure everything is done early is a must. That way I have time to sit back and enjoy the holidays both with family in my hometown of Michigan and again with more family and friends in Florida.
You won’t find me anywhere near a Mall after Thanksgiving! If there is a last minute gift I need, HSN will deliver my gift right to their doorstep!
Normally I get all my decorations after the holidays, when everything is clearanced out. So I’m well stocked by now! Now for our Holiday dinner and preparation, l start stocking up in late September to early October!
I have found out prices at grocery stores go up late October through December, so everything that can be stored or frozen I buy ahead of time. The savings are about 40% doing it this way! Of course I use all my coupons and time double couponing as well. Take advantage of any savings membership and apps. Last year I actually paid a mere $8 for a 20lb turkey! So that was something to Gobble Gobble about! 😉
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