Wolfgang Puck quad chopper recipe
I am looking for the cheese cake recipe Wolfgang puck use in the quad chopper demo.
The beauty of this machine is that you can make your own recipes. For sugar free ice creams I use frozen fruit with no sugar added, skim milk, sugar substitute of your choice. Start off with equal parts fruit and liquid. If you freeze some bananas you will not have to use any sweetener. Just through in stuff and see what comes out. Hope this helps.
Nutribullet products come with great cookbooks. I assumed that this one would also. I would pay more for the appliance to have a great cookbook come in the box with it. That way the appliance comes out of the box ready to use or give as a gift…I do not see myself giving the QuadChoppers as gifts without Marian’s $19.99 cookbook. I purchased 2 of these thinsg to give as gifst. What a shame! Thanks for the heads up.
Would like that recipe for the cheese cake that gang pack shadowed with the Quad chopper
Note that many of us bought the quad chopper because of the recipes being made on the show: ice cream, sorbet, cheesecake. Where are THOSE recipes? It’s unfair to demonstrate foods and not offer the recipes! We are diabetic. Wolfgang kept saying "and you don’t need sugar!" I need to know what he did – or can you show that portion of the show video online? Thank you!
I bought Wolfgang Pucks Quad chopper, which cookbook was he offering with the receipes for this appliance? I missed out on ordering, it was delling for $19.99?
Diane6657, you can find some of Wolfgang’s great recipes here. I know you are sure to find something delicious to make!
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Posted in Kitchen & Food
22 Replies
09.12.15 3:57 PM
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