W/P 361-8552 Crispe screens vs. W/P 428-887 29-Liter Rapid Pressure Oven
Does the item 361-852 W/P non stick pizza crisper screens fit the – W/P item 428-887 29- Ltr. Rapid Pressure Oven Bundle? In reading the reviews they indicated the screens fits tight and some people have to bend the screen to get it in the oven. Was this made for this item number or one of his other pressure ovens, and if it is an other oven, what is the item number of the oven it was made for. Thanks JD
, the screens are offered as an additional accessory for the oven so they would fit in it.
Those screens are designed for the pressure oven you referenced. They will NOT fit in the other oven which has a smaller interior capacity.
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Posted in Kitchen & Food
3 Replies
08.20.16 7:51 PM
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