Racist Remark by Philips AirFryer Guest
I tuned into Marlo’s 1pm (PST) show “Kitchen Essentials” today (7/31/16) just in time to catch a racist remark made by her guest. The guest, ( I don’t recall her name) while promoting the Philips AirFryer with Rapid Air Technology and Recipe Booklet, stated to Marlo, “I know you like fried chicken.” The guest was a White woman.
This lady is a guest on Marlo’s show. Was it (a feeling of) entitlement or superiority that made her so comfortable she felt should make such a presumptious, discriminatory remark?
Marlo was gracious and never dignified the comment. She is a professional, and recovered very fast however there was a moment when you could see in her face that she was affected.
There is a 7-second delay. Why do you think HSN didn’t delete the comment?
I think they didn’t delete the comment because she knows Marlo and the fact that Marlo likes fried chicken.
rewatch the presentation online, if it’s available, then you will have a better idea of what happened. :heart:
Everything is racist today because people make it that way..
Marlo may have known this guest from previous visits and talked to her on a personal level of what she likes to eat. Harmless really. Made into something racist and personal. Since it was , here is my take on things. I am a mature white woman in my sixites now. When I was born I knew noting of slavery and did not until I went into fouth grade and History begin in which I did not comprehend well until high school. I did not agree with slavery and wondered how it all begin, then I begin in my forties to watch old movies where I saw so many talanted people of color in them, so they were allowed to be actors, singers, dancers. I think at times, I had noting to do with how people of color were treated and still today we keep hearing how they are being mistreated, slurred, slammed, and not allowed??? To do what?
I watched and didn’t consider it at all having anything to do with race. I happen to like fried chicken and I’m sure Marlo does, too. They were selling a kitchen product and demonstrating that it can be used for air frying chicken. Duhhh. To make it into a racist comment is just typical of today’s PC world. People seem to have too much idle time on their hands and have nothing better to do than to nitpick.
It was an unnecessary remark.
I consider it racist.
Come on…give it a rest. We do not need the PC police here. Almost everyboy in this country likes fried chicken. It’s stuff like this that causes the problems in the first place. I hate discrimination….This does not qualify. :manfrustrated:
I don’t know anyone that does not like fried chicken! In no way do I find that a discriminatory comment and more than do I like peanut butter. I agree – the PC public needs to take a great big deep breathe.
The comment wasn’t muted because there is nothing racist about saying “I know you like fried chicken.” Marlo likes fried chicken.
I didn’t see Marlo’s face and can’t rewatch it, but I hope it was not said the way that u interpreted it. ?
Another new friend.
How do you know this vendor doesn’t personally know Marlo?
Maybe she heard Marlo say something about cooking and liking chicken on a previous broadcast. Maybe she and Marlo had a conversation prior to the live show, and Marlo revealed something about her cuisine likes and dislikes.
Why make such broad assumptions about the race of both parties based on one comment?
WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE TO BE INTERPETED AS BEING RACIST??? Please stop this madness and start to embrace the good that God has meant for our lives. Why conjure things that are not even remotely there, really??!!! This is beyond unacceptable and has no place on a shopping forum. If it had been an in-appropiate statement, it would been deleted.
Oh, my gosh. This is a ridiculous interpretation of a benign statement.
You can always find trouble if you are looking for it.
You must need to go to your safe space!
Daisy :catlol:
I can’t believe what I was reading. Mostly everyone loves fried chicken. White black,purple, green etc.Everything is about race to some people who is the racist here? I have already figured it out.
I am blonde blue eyed caucasion and I do love me some fried chicken .
Bo Jangles is yummy to my tummy.
I also can make some great chicken wings for our Carolina Panthers football games .
What is racist about saying someone likes fried chicken ?
People who dissect everything just to find fault ….. now who really is the racist?
Conversation Info
Posted in Kitchen & Food
25 Replies
09.01.16 2:45 AM
0 Participants