If you had to grow your food or make your clothes, which would you choose?
If you had to grow your food or make your clothes, which would you choose? Add your story and tune for the The Monday Night Show August 1 to see if your story gets shared on air or picked to win a $25 gift card to HSN!
GO POOKIE123!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love your answer!!! :smileylol::smileylol::smileylol:
? yeah!!! congratulations! enjoy!
Congratulations Pookie!!!!:womanlol: Enjoy your gift card.:womanlol:
To you for your awesome win!!!
Have some fun and shopping time:)
Peace and love:)
I used my $25 gift card. I got myself the NutriBullet 600 with Recipe Book, and free shipping, item #448-284. Thank you Adam and thank you HSN. Next stop, the Fresh Market. A healthy Pookie is a happy Pookie. Thank you again everyone for your congratulations.:smileyhappy::heart:
Congrats Pookie. I enjoyed your answer,,,it was different LOL. Have fun picking something out!
:heart: POOKIE SUPER HAPPY FOR YOU!!! :heart:
Congrats Pookie :smileylol:
Congratulations Pookie! Great answer!
I won a $25 gift card on the Adam Freeman Monday Night Show and I missed it. But I got my gift card by email. Thank you HSN and thank you Adam you sweetie pie, you. I never won anything before. Happy Pookie.:smileyhappy::heart:
Congratulations Pookie!
Congratulations to the 8/1/16 winner, ?!
We asked:
If you had to grow your food or make your clothes, which would you choose?
You answered: Neither, I would wander the streets aimlessly, hungry and cold, waiting for my packages to arrive from HSN and save me.Check your email on file for gift card details.
Conversation Info
Posted in Kitchen & Food
80 Replies
01.22.16 6:43 AM
0 Participants