victoria wieck ring
approximately 10 or more, I ordered a beautiful Victoria Wieck ring. It was and is a beautiful ring but the large stone was always cloudy looking. I should have sent it back but I didn’t and have only worn the ring about 5 times. The reason I am writing to you is to see if you could ask Victoria what I can do to make it less cloudy and then I could wear it all the time because it is quite beautiful. The stone is suppose to look like a diamond. If there is any ideas you can give me I would appreciate it.
Thank you,
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I’m sorry to hear this ring is cloudy. Regrettably we do not have any info on how to fix this, or contact info for Victorias company. I suggest you look around online to see if there is any available info there.
Have you tried washing it with a good strong dish detergent? Something like Dawn? Don’t use hot water, just warm or cool water. Pour the dish detergent directly on the stone, full strength, then gently rub the stone and rinse quickly while continuing to rub the stone. Shake dry and look at it again to see if it looks better. If not, then try a commercial cleaner, or take it to a jeweler and ask them what to do. Was it expensive? Also, try looking at the stone under a strong magnifying glass. You might see something on the stone you can’t see with the naked eye. Maybe a little piece of plastic.
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Posted in Jewelry
3 Replies
06.15.16 9:12 PM
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