Two Heidi Daus Shipments Just Arrived In A Mess
Hi Girls,
I ordered a bunch of things from this last visit because as you all know, it was great. The stuff arrived over two days, two separate shipments and I was really, really upset. About half the stuff arrived in just the black boxes without any gold sleeves. This included the TS as well as several of the new necklaces. The boxes had obviously been turned upside down during shipping and the result was the necklaces had fallen out and were at the bottom of the boxes in a heap. The TS bracelets were still in their respective boxes, but their lids had come off. Ditto for the TS rings and some other pieces. I called HSN when the first box arrived and they said this must have been an anomaly. However, the second box arrived the same way. Has this happened to any of you. Nothing was damaged thankfully, but I think this is no way to ship 300-400 dollar necklaces. Or anything for that matter. If they are doing away with the gold sleeves, then they need to at least put an elasticized band over the box. Feedback anyone?
This is a pet peeve of mine to say the very least. It is unacceptable to have stuff sent packaged like this. It’s happened to me (not all the time), but twice. Once with a $200 Joan Boyce cuff, and thankfully it was not damaged, but it’s still NOT OK. I emailed HSN, and reported it. I have even went so far several times since (if I really, really like something) to pay an extra $5.00 to have it gift boxed to try and prevent this crapp (excuse my language), but no one should have to do that.
HSN, I just ordered a boat load of Akkad’s stuff… I don’t need a gold sleeve, just a cheap rubber band around the boxes will be fine!!! Thank you.
Hi Lis,
Would you believe I did order the Distinguished Opulence pieces and ‘at the very last moment’ cancelled them out. When I did, it didn’t say either of the pieces were no longer available and the following day when I came to my senses and logged onto HSN, i was crestfallen to see that both the earrings and necklace were both a sellout. That’s what prompted me to order the earrings from the source in NJ. Now, I’m ‘hell bent’ on the necklace and won’t rest until my order is a ‘fait accompli. Since it’s SOLD OUT at HSN will have to try to purchase it from Montclair.
Much like yourself, I, too, love art deco. I happened to find Heidi just by accident one evening back in 2009 while channel surfing. I saw this gorgeous creature with dulcet tones talking about this wonderful piece of jewelry and then it was ‘SOLD OUT’….
I continued to watch and ordered one or two things, thinking to myself, ‘can’t be that great if it’s sold on TV’… well, silly me, because now I can honestly say I rarely even wear any of my platinum jewelry or expensive watch because I always opt for one of Heidi’s..
Like you, I’ve hundreds of pieces of her jewelry. I have 7 armoires full, not to mention several drawers filled with her pieces that I still keep in their respective boxes, I have a small pic of each on the box so to remind me which piece it is. But, most of the items are contained in the 7 armoires and the Prestige Jewelry Boxes I’ve purchased on HSN that Colleen advertises. I have between 25-30 of Colleen’s ‘Prestige” jewelry boxes. And, watches…. can’t tell you how many of her timepieces I have. Matter of fact, the only other customer service that is as good as Heidi’s is the company who make her watches, Options in Time… They, too, have a phenomenal customer service department.
You asked me about the Noble Bling. I absolutely like him. He sparkles like crazy and I love his little headband of turquoise and the way she designed the piece. I wasn’t that crazy about the bracelet and did return it, but I absolutely do LOVE the necklace.
One question re: the Scarab drop earrings: Are they heavy, in your opinion? I’m hoping they are not weighty. Usually, I usually will opt for a clip in some of the drop earrings, especially if they appear to be on the heavy side. I’m so happy the Baguette Brilliance Earring was offered to us in a clip. This earring is so very feminine and beautiful. I absolutely love them.
I, too, purchased the TS Bracelet in the Tanzanite, along with matching necklace and ring. I opted for the Iris Garden earrings which were on sale to go with this suite.
I must say that this past TS was truly nice. I rue the fact I didn’t opt for the mango cuff and the mango necklace, however, may be able to still get the necklace thru Montclair since it’s a sellout on HSN.
Can you let me know if, in your opinion, the Scarab Drop earrings are ‘heavy on the earlobes’… not that it matters now, because I’ve already ordered them, but this way I can be prepared for the disappointment of having to return them….
Hope you’re having wonderful weather there in FL…. I live in NJ and the weather is beautiful today. Talk to you soon….
Thanks for the info Darlene. I will also call Montclair because if enough of us call and complain, I suspect Heidi voicing her concern will carry weight. As I said, I will also be writing Mindy Grossman and I will copy this thread with my letter. So, I invite all of those HD girls to include their thoughts on this thread and I will pass them along.
I knew Heidi would never have agreed to this, but I must say I am still shocked HSN places so little value on their merchandise and the shopping experience of their loyal customers. I do not share this with very many people because I don’t want anyone to think I am boasting, but I own over 500 pieces of HD. So, if HSN wants to lose my business, they just need to continue with this policy. I can purchase what I need elsewhere.
On to a more pleasant topic, and to answer your question, the Distinguished Opulence Necklace is incredible. I go over the moon for anything that has a deco feel to it, and this piece is all that and more. I just love how she used the small touch of aventurine on the sides. A small but perfect detail. If you can snag it, go for it. You won’t be disappointed. I am currently on WL for An Evening to Remember necklace. I have no idea how I missed it, but I did.
I see you are waiting for the carnelian/lapis version earrings of the Sparkling Scarab. I have the entire suite, and I just love it. I will always buy the scarabs in any colorway Miss Heidi dares to make this in. I travel a lot and it is the absolute perfect traveling ensemble. You will like it I’m sure.
I got the Bateau set, because I cruise a lot and I live in South Florida. Perfectly executed and clever necklace. Wasn’t sold on the bracelet though. The iris garden earrings were a great buy on the 5 in 5 and of course a perfect match for the tanzanite TS and matching necklace. The Come fly With Me colorway was spectacular. I passed on it because I play this little game with myself that I have to budget. In any event, once again I overspent. However, I am somewhat kicking myself on this suite. I have the earlier version of Baguette Brilliance and I love it. I think I actually prefer this version better, but I debated too long and missed the necklace, which is all I needed. The stones remind me of tourmaline. Beautiful depth and beauty.
I am sitting on the fence as to whether I need another version of Bling of the Jungle. You said you got him. Please tell me what you think of Noble Bling, because I think he is calling to me.
On a final note, you mentioned that you hold your breath before opening your boxes. That is exactly what I do too. Then I immediately put the pieces on and dance like crazy. That is why it is so heartbreaking to open the shipping box only to have our gift boxes upended.
Hi Lisa,
Although I’ve already apprised HD, Ltd, in Montclair about the packing issue, I feel the more people that mention this, the better it will be for a resolution, at least with respect to the packaging issue. I was one of the first to mention this to them and upon further investigation Montclair was told that it was HSN’s decision. Of course, this doesn’t resolve any issue, does it?
Anyway, I’m saddened to hear that you, too, have received items compromised by either damage or previous ownership. This is truly disgraceful. I don’t want anything for nothing BUT I do want what I pay for. And, trust me, I’ve spent plenty at HSN. Whenever I complained about having received an item that was previously owned or worn, the HSN rep on the other side of the line will gnash back at me and go at it ‘tooth and nail’ and swear up and down that this is NOT their practice when, in fact, it is…. I once received a pair of DG2 jeans, $79.95 that were obviously a return because not only did they NOT have a hand tag affixed to them, but even had a dollar bill in one of the pockets..?!?!? Needless to say, they did go back BUT I did keep the dollar….. Additionally, I recently ordered 3 tops from MarlaWynne, 2 of which I received and the other which was on ‘wait list’. When I finally received the wait-listed item, which was well over a month later, it was oil-stained and obviously worn…. How can they do this, I ask? Again, I almost was involved in a telephone sparring match with the HSN rep who swore up and down that this is NOT thier practice… I returned that item within half hour of having received it. I wonder ‘who’ the next unsuspecting soul was to receive this used, abused and returned item. I won’t go on because I truly do get upset. Especially, when HSN touts and encourages people to keep an item for 30 days….. This is truly insane… Like I iterated previously, I always return an item the day of receipt or the very next if I am going to return it. Yesh..
I must admit that each order I’ve been receiving, I’ve been ‘holding my breath’ before opening each box….
I agree, Lisa, this was a fabulous show. I did wind up keeping the following items:
…Bateau Beauty Necklace and Earrings;
… The Come Fly With Me Earrings, Bangle and Ring; I ultimately had to purchase the re-purchase necklace through Montclair, NJ since it was a sell out on HSN;
…Baguette Brilliance Bangle, Ring and Earrings;
…Sparkling Luminescence Watch;
…Petit Jardin Earrings and Ring;
…Nobie Bling Necklace;
…Irresistible Iris Earrings;
I also am waiting for a few other pieces, the new Scarab Ring; the (clearance-priced) lapis and carnelian Scarab Earrings and Ring; The Distinguished Opulence Ring. Since HSN was sold out of the Distinguished Opulence Earrings, I ordered them from Montclair also… Love them…
I am thinking of ordering the Distinguished Opulence Necklace…. you mentioned you ordered it… what are your thoughts on it… please share…
Well, forgive the epistle…I’m finally finished and not going to belabor nor beat a dead horse…hopefully, this packing issue and quality assurance will soon be remedied.
Talk to you soon… Thanks for sharing….
Thanks Darlene, On the one hand I’m glad I’m not alone in this problem, but on the other I’m sorry you received your goods in a tangled mess. Despite the fact I was told this is not HSN’s practice, it would appear that this is becoming the practice.
I ordered the Bateau Beauty necklace too and it was one of the ones at the bottom of the box in a mess. I also ordered Distinguished Opulence necklace, and Sparkling Scarab. All three were in a tangled heap. They are over 900.00 in total. In my case, between the two boxes, 15 items arrived in a heap. This does not provide me with the OMG feeling I get, when I usually open one of her delights. I have to tell you, when the first box arrived and it was such a mess, I was certain some disgruntled packing/shipping employee had done it, because I couldn’t believe it was sent out that way as a matter of new policy. The rep at HSN old me they were busy so that is why it was sent out like that. Can you believe that?
In the past when I have ordered other jewelry from HSN that does not provide a sleeve, the boxes have all been secured with an elasticized ribbon which prevented the box lid from falling off. We were not even afforded that.
I have great difficulty believing that this is a cost cutting measure sanctioned by Heidi. She is well aware her girls look forward to their little gold sleeve boxes and she knows that many of us keep our jewels stored in them. Furthermore, she is well aware that many of us view her pieces as treasures and that all of us have bought into the notion of the whole HD experience. I know she would be very disappointed to think her jewels were being shipped in such a disrespectful manner. If she is getting rid of the sleeves, then it would make sense that she would at least provide a secure binding on the lids. I will be calling New Jersey on Monday to discuss.
It is interesting you too have also experienced what is obviously used goods being sent out. I have too. Also, until this year, I never had a problem with HD stuff arriving missing stones and/or broken. This year alone, I have had at least four items arrive in this condition. I think the quality control department is either not doing it’s job or more likely, it has been eliminated.
I have Mindy Grossman’s address. I will sending her a letter voicing my displeasure.
On a positive note, the pieces were just wonderful, weren’t they.
Thanks Darlene,
On the one hand I’m glad I’m not alone in this problem, but on the other I’m sorry you received your goods in a tangled mess. Despite the fact I was told this is not HSN’s practice, it would appear that this is becoming the practice.
I ordered the Bateau Beauty necklace too and it was one of the ones at the bottom of the box in a mess. I also ordered Distinguished Opulence necklace, and Sparkling Scarab. All three were in a tangled heap. They are over 900.00 in total. In my case, between the two boxes, 15 items arrived in a heap. This does not provide me with the OMG feeling I get, when I usually open one of her delights. I have to tell you, when the first box arrived and it was such a mess, I was certain some disgruntled packing/shipping employee had done it, because I couldn’t believe it was sent out that way as a matter of new policy. The rep at HSN old me they were busy so that is why it was sent out like that. Can you believe that?
In the past when I have ordered other jewelry from HSN that does not provide a sleeve, the boxes have all been secured with an elasticized ribbon which prevented the box lid from falling off. We were not even afforded that.
I have great difficulty believing that this is a cost cutting measure sanctioned by Heidi. She is well aware her girls look forward to their little gold sleeve boxes and she knows that many of us keep our jewels stored in them. Furthermore, she is well aware that many of us view her pieces as treasures and that all of us have bought into the notion of the whole HD experience. I know she would be very disappointed to think her jewels were being shipped in such a disrespectful manner. If she is getting rid of the sleeves, then it would make sense that she would at least provide a secure binding on the lids. I will be calling New Jersey on Monday to discuss.
It is interesting you too have also experienced what is obviously used goods being sent out. I have too. Also, until this year, I never had a problem with HD stuff arriving missing stones and/or broken. This year alone, I have had at least four items arrive in this condition. I think the quality control department is either not doing it’s job or more likely, it has been eliminated.
I have Mindy Grossman’s address. I will sending her a letter voicing my displeasure.
On a positive note, the pieces were just wonderful, weren’t they.
Hi GoodGirl096567…
I, too, have experienced the same problem with respect to delivery of my items. Many of the newer items were shipped minus the traditional gold sleeve we’ve come to know and appreciate from HSN’s premier designer, Heidi Daus. all of the necklaces I’ve ordered and received had been rolling around in the box due to the absence of securing it with the sleeve. One of the necklaces, ‘Come Fly With Me’ was so baldy damaged it was heartbreaking. Several beads were rolling about and even the string was severed… This conundrum I’m still trying to fathom since Heidi always knots her beads to secure them. i did contact Customer Service and sent it back immediately, however, they were ‘sold out of the necklace’. To add insult to injury, I had ordered all the companion pieces to go with the necklace, i.e., the ring, earrings and bangle. Anyway, I was able to procure the necklace through Heidi’s studio and was happy to do so.
The Bateau Beauty I’d ordered and received was so jumbled up on the bottom of HSN’s shipping box and the box where it should have been secured and contained was so botched up, i.e., crushed, broken, etc. Again, this necklace was a ‘sell out’ and my heart was in my mouth inspecting the piece. Fortunately, the necklace was ok after I ‘unjumbled and untwisted’ it.
Another necklace ,the Baguette Brilliance arrived in the same condition…. jumbled and out of the box… HSN neglected to put the bubble wrap packages into the shipping box… this may have (?) precluded the above from happening)….
The rings that I ordered were intact, probably because the lids were ‘tight-fitting’, however, still minus the gold sleeve.
Another complaint aside from all of this is HSN’s ‘quality control’ department, that is, if it even exists. II happened to take advantage of some of the ‘older’ items that were ‘event priced’ and ‘clearance’ priced….One pair of earrings, obviously worn to the max, then returned, not only were NOT in a HD box with sleeve, but were in a box marked ‘ABSOLUTE’, an ersatz faux diamond line HSN sponsers.
Back they went, along with several other pieces that were obviously worn and then returned along with a Necklace and Earring set, (American Sophisticate)…. The necklace was minus a baguette, so obviously missing and the earrings, which I would have kept even though the necklace was going back, had no ‘spring left’ on one of the clip earrings. Need I say more….?!?!? The matching watch, in the beige color way was soiled and obviously a return… no cover on the back nor the face and running with no stem stopper.I also ordered another pair of earring (which were an older pair but still $109). These had been out of stock for a period of time and then later came back and I immediately purchased them. SILLY ME. because they, too, were obviously worn and had two crystals missing and returned to stock. Another ring, (clearance) was missing a crystal, (smack-dab) in the center of the ring….
Despite HSN’s averals that they would NEVER send out a returned item…. DON’T BELIEVE IT, because I’ve received many…. Whenever I return an item, I return it the same day as I receive it or the very next and return it in a carefully packed condition.
I would propose the following: HSN… please inspect any/all items that are returned to insure your customer’s satisfaction. Also, please go back to using the sleeve to secure the items you’re shipping will remain intact and in the box until the recipient receives it.
P.S. I did ascertain the following and it’s this: The onus for NOT using the sleeve is purely the decision of HSN and not the designer…..
Hi GoodGirl096567…
I, too, have experienced the same problem with respect to delivery of my items. Many of the newer items were shipped minus the traditional gold sleeve we’ve come to know and appreciate from HSN’s premier designer, Heidi Daus. all of the necklaces I’ve ordered and received had been rolling around in the box due to the absence of securing it with the sleeve. One of the necklaces, ‘Come Fly With Me’ was so baldy damaged it was heartbreaking. Several beads were rolling about and even the string was severed… This conundrum I’m still trying to fathom since Heidi always knots her beads to secure them. i did contact Customer Service and sent it back immediately, however, they were ‘sold out of the necklace’. To add insult to injury, I had ordered all the companion pieces to go with the necklace, i.e., the ring, earrings and bangle. Anyway, I was able to procure the necklace through Heidi’s studio and was happy to do so.
The Bateau Beauty I’d ordered and received was so jumbled up on the bottom of HSN’s shipping box and the box where it should have been secured and contained was so botched up, i.e., crushed, broken, etc. Again, this necklace was a ‘sell out’ and my heart was in my mouth inspecting the piece. Fortunately, the necklace was ok after I ‘unjumbled and untwisted’ it.
Another necklace ,the Baguette Brilliance arrived in the same condition…. jumbled and out of the box… HSN neglected to put the bubble wrap packages into the shipping box… this may have (?) precluded the above from happening)….
The rings that I ordered were intact, probably because the lids were ‘tight-fitting’, however, still minus the gold sleeve.
Another complaint aside from all of this is HSN’s ‘quality control’ department, that is, if it even exists. II happened to take advantage of some of the ‘older’ items that were ‘event priced’ and ‘clearance’ priced….One pair of earrings, obviously worn to the max, then returned, not only were NOT in a HD box with sleeve, but were in a box marked ‘ABSOLUTE’, an ersatz faux diamond line HSN sponsers.
Back they went, along with several other pieces that were obviously worn and then returned and Necklace and Earring set…. The necklace was minus a baguette, so obviously missing and the earrings, which I would have kept even though the necklace was going back, had no ‘spring left’ on one of the clip earrings. Need I say more….?!?!? The matching watch, in the beige color way was soiled and obviously a return… no cover on the back nor the face and running with no stem stopper.
I also ordered another pair of earring (which were an older pair but still $109). These had been out of stock for a period of time and then later came back and I immediately purchased them. SILLY ME. because they, too, were obviously worn and had two crystals missing. Another ring, (clearance) was missing a crystal, (smack-dab) in the center of the ring….Despite HSN’s averals that they would NEVER send out a returned item…. DON’T BELIEVE IT, because I’ve received many…. Whenever I return an item, I return it the same day as I receive it or the very next and return it in a carefully packed condition.
I would propose the following: HSN… please inspect any/all items that are returned to insure your customer’s satisfaction. Also, please go back to using the sleeve to secure the items you’re shipping will remain intact and in the box until the recipient receives it.
Conversation Info
Posted in Jewelry
24 Replies
07.02.13 7:43 PM
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