TURIA pearl jewelry
Hi Nik!
Thanks – I know I’m not the only one. I made the “observation” because I know that TPTB, including the hosts themselves, read the boards – and I don’t think I was too mean about it. She just needs to learn to use different phrases instead of overusing the three (I’m exaggerating) that she has. She’s smarter than that.
As for my baby, Neko is a F1 (first generation) Bengal. His daddy is an Asian Leopard Cat and his mama is an SBT Bengal (domesticated 5th generation or more). He’s my heart. Many places ban the hybrid (which is what he’s technically considered to be). I’m lucky to live in WA state and in a county that allows them. If I lived in Seattle (20 miles south), I wouldn’t be able to have him in my life – and that would be horrible.
Maine Coons are awesome. So sweet and probably as close to a dog as you can get, next to a Bengal or Abyssinian! Now, if his name WAS Big Kahuna, you would be forgiven for using it 12 times in 20 minutes! 😀
Sharon, how big is your cat?
Edit: Fixed typo so the question makes sense!
?, ? I just love all the big cats. I knew a veterinarian who owned a maine coon and I fell in love with that cat. She was so loving, and that very loud purr was unforgettable!! My charity is world wildlife.org
which protects all wildlife on the “endangered species” list from extinction.:smileyhappy:
? It’s okay, I speak typo really well – Neko is actually pretty normal size – about 10 lbs (if that) but he’s got long legs and a long body (bengals have an extra vertebrae because Asian Leopard Cats are tree-dwellers). His tail is extra long too – and “floofy” – but not like a persian or a Maine Coon or Ragdoll – it’s just super plush. He’s long, lanky, lean and very agile.
One of our favorite playtimes is for me to throw his “mousie” up the stairs…he starts out running up to get it, then he’ll “kill” it for a couple of seconds and throw it back down to me. Then he waits for me to toss it up the stairs to him and he leaps for it. Bengals are great jumpers (only the Savannah is better and that’s only because they are usually larger). I’m super careful so he doesn’t get hurt, because he’s fearless and his focus is completely on his “prey”. He has rolled down the stairs sometimes…which is hilarious after I make sure he’s okay! We have very shallow steps and they are carpeted, so he’s pretty safe. He keeps throwing it back to me (and if it doesn’t get down to a step I can reach it, he’ll go down and throw it again. Super smart. They are crazy smart. You can’t show them where you hide something, because they will find it – even if it means opening a drawer or cabinet. Neko, Asia and Jimi (my three) don’t like water though – Neko will walk in it, but he’s only gotten in the shower with me once (he was 11 weeks old – I screamed with laughter and I think I scared him because he never did it again).
Sharon, I didn’t realize I made a typo, LOL. If he’s only 10 pounds why are they not legal in other parts of the state? Sounds like he has a great personality. Do you also have a dog?
? He is considered a hybrid, much like a wolf/dog. Some places (usually large cities) don’t want WILD animals as pets – the EGs are NOT wild, but they do have tendencies like their ancestor. I happen to agree with the ban – if they open it to hybrid, it opens a huge can of worms. People will try to breed ocelots, tigers, wolves, you name it. I know that sounds crazy, but I read the news and know there is a lot of crazy out there.
Once the “Foundation” is erased (for lack of a better word), they are considered part of the domesticated pet family. You will hear Bengals and Savannahs referred to as F1, F2, F3, F4, SBT – the F is for foundation. The number shows the generation away from the Asian Leopard Cat (or Serval for Savannahs). The Foundation Cats are also referred to as EG (Early Generation).
I mentioned that the EGs have wild tendencies…they are what makes them special and unique. For instance, Neko jumps like his dad – it shows the tree-dwelling of the ALC in the wild. When he jumps, all four feet leave at the same time, and the hind feet come forward almost to his chin and the back feet land first. It’s like “sticking his landing”. They are VERY vocal, but do NOT meow like a standard breed. it’s more of a rowl, and super expressive. Their eyes are bigger too – they see better in front of them, and unlike a standard breed, they CAN see something that is at the tip of their nose. But barely!
Sorry – obviously I am a huge proponent of the Bengal, and love the breed so much. We do NOT have any dogs (to answer your other question) but only because our yard isn’t dog-ready. I would love to have pitties – they are such a great breed. My boyfriend wants a husky (love them too) but they dig too much and we are too close to a shortcut road (where crazies drive too fast).
I apologize to everyone for going on and on about this! 😀 But you didn’t want to read about Shannon’s lack of vocabulary during the Beauty Report, did you??? 😀 To clarify that (my OP), I commented because she didn’t use any other term for the items…not large, not giant sized, just repeated that BK phrase over and over. She’s very good at what she does, but I personally like to hear someone who does linguistic gymnastics (appears to be a friend of their Thesaurus )
Sharon, he is beautiful! I went to the site you referenced and it’s very interesting. When will you find out if you are getting another?
A good friend had a wolf/dog and I remember what a fiasco it was when they moved to L.A.
? Not sure about when we’ll know if we are approved. The kittens are only 4 wks old and the woman who runs the rescue is in no hurry to get them homes. She will wait until she has the best family for each of her charges, so I expect we’ll be vetted thoroughly, which is fine. They are in Vancouver, BC, so I’ll have to go up and pick up whichever one we get if it works out (Vancouver is only about 2 hours, 3 if the border traffic is dense). If we do get approved, we will have to have a FB page for the new addition, since they have quite the following right now.
Great catch! 🙂 I refunded the difference of $21.60 to your original method of payment. You can expect to see these funds back within the next 3 business days.
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Posted in Jewelry
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08.14.16 2:15 AM
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