The new Italian bronze jewelry and will it tarnish badly in the future???
I keep seeing these gorgeous jewelry pieces made out of Bronze and wanting to buy some, but I dislike having to clean jewelry all the time as that of sterling silver. I buy a great deal of stainless steel for this very reason..no actual cleaning needed. Has anyone purchased bronze jewelry and does it tarnish badly?? The conversation at QVC also has the same question but no one seems to really know since bronze jewelry is so new in the past few years. Can anyone enlighten us of how your bronze purchased jewelry has lasted and how do you clean it when most bronze has an acrylic finish on the jewelry???????
Hello Could anyone that has bought any of these items Please let the both of us know because I would love to try some of the jewelry
I have a couple bronze rings I bought about a year or two ago. I honestly cannot tell you if they tarnished much, because I do not mind the tarnished look and so it doesn’t bother me. The short of it – I did not notice it tarnishing, but I am not that picky. They surely did not turn quite so badly as the *copper* piece I got, that’s for sure. Copper turned nasty dark color from goregous shiny copper. Bronze was a bit darker and remains a bit darker, and can’t tell if it’s darker-er than before. I actually really love that ring. got it on clearance for a song, it’s got Buddga on it.
Conversation Info
Posted in Jewelry
3 Replies
05.29.14 11:26 PM
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