Looking for a match for this earring
These were my favorites.
I lost one, they easiily came out of my ears often, I should’ve known.
I was wondering if this happened to anyone else.
If you still have the one earring, I’d love to purchase it from you.
It is large, about 50mm and it has a curve to it’s shape.
It has a texture to it and isn’t shiny. Sterling silver.
Can’t see the photo.
Hi ,
Sorry to hear. 🙁
You may be able to buy a used pair online.
Hopefully one of the mmods will approve your picture so we can identify which earrings they are.
It would be nice to see the photo..
Those earrings look like they are Sevilla Technibond. You could always order another pair.
I can’t tell why my photo is not showing.
I’l try it again:
Just go to ebay and search “silver textured hoop earrings” and you can surely find something similar, if not exactly the same.
Conversation Info
Posted in Jewelry
8 Replies
03.04.17 8:40 PM
0 Participants