Jay King and Compressed Turquoise
I think that when Jay King’s Turquoise pieces are presented it should be disclosed….on air during the presentation….that the Turquoise is actually compressed and NOT one stone. This is information that we buyers have a right to know, and sometimes it is not possible to get on the computer at that particular moment to see about this. I have been shocked during the current Jay King event at how many pieces are indeed compressed….which I do NOT prefer, and yet I do not find this out until after I order. Not too cool imo 🙁
3 years later, and the Today’s Special is compressed. I don’t get it.
I agree that since I don’t want compressed tourquoise, it should be said on air if it is a compressed piece so that I don’t have to go on line to see if it is. I too DO NOT prefer compressed pieces…bought one of the expensive bowls that I didn’t know was compressed until months after I bought it and was NOT happy about it!!!
Say compressed on air PLEASE!!!!!!
I recently started getting educated on why people arr upset anout compressed tyrquoisr and sent the Today’s Special back. In my research, I discovered Jay King’s company defines compressed turquoise as being pressure treated to strengthen the turquoise since turquoise can be soft and that reconstituted turquoise is where pieces of turquoise are pressed together. Does anyone have further info on this?
Conversation Info
Posted in Jewelry
4 Replies
01.19.17 2:13 AM
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