Heidi Girls
Can anybody that has been buying Heidi for years tell me if this is a legitimate pin that Heidi once made ?
I bought from eBay and it does not have her name but it looks as if name was removed. It looks like her work. Thank you . I’m going to try and attach a photo for the first time .
Thank you for saying that because I’m not able to post the photo it’s not giving me that option or the button at the top to do it . I’ll keep trying to post photo. but it is a ballerina with pearls at the bottom of the skirt, blue and aqua beads, red top and a large crystal for the head. It’s a small pin. Just received it today. I’m wondering if it’s a real HD pin
?, hope you can post the photo….let us know if you need some help. FaireMaiden recently provided some excellent instructions on how to post photos here. I believe she placed them in her Heidi thread. Once we can see the photo, I’m sure there are several Heidi collectors who will be glad to weigh in!!! Will keep my fingers crossed that it’s a Heidi piece…
Conversation Info
Posted in Jewelry
18 Replies
10.16.16 9:31 PM
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