Heidi Daus -2012- FAN thread- warranty info, questions and answers, reviews and fun chatter!
We are a FAN group here. If anyone visiting is not a Heidi Daus jewelry fan, we politely ask that you start your own topic in “New Topics” on the forum and state negative or opposite opinions there, as we are here discussing our love for, our questions about, and anything else that is positive and fun, about Heidi Daus jewelry. Thank you for your understanding and please feel free to come back and enjoy our FAN thread anytime.
(PS) Welcome back Heidi fan thread veterans!
Just added free shipping and 15% coupons to the thread on the coupons. Have some more if you are still in need of any 15% coupons…
I was in need of a coupon, but was able to use one that was shared in another thread, so I’m editing this request out now. =8>
Heidi is back to HSN in September, but didn’t indicate (or I didn’t hear) if it is early or late in the month. Question–is anyone winning HSN’s “Spin to Win” game? I won ONCE–and it was just free shipping. I would have thought that allowing more people to win would make more people shop. Hope someone out there is winning!
I’ve won a couple of 15% and a couple of fs and even a couple of $5 off, and even 1 $10 off…one of the reasons i wanted to know when heidi is back – coupons are onlu good til the end of august!!!!
Heidi is back to HSN in September, but didn’t indicate (or I didn’t hear) if it is early or late in the month.
Question–is anyone winning HSN’s “Spin to Win” game? I won ONCE–and it was just free shipping. I would have thought that allowing more people to win would make more people shop. Hope someone out there is winning!
Does anyone know when Heidi is back?? My hsn card has a zero balance and it’s making me nuts!!!
Oh, WendyTX,,,so sorry to hear that your daughter had to go to the doctor. Hope she is feeling better and that you can keep some of the goodies you ordered during Heidi’s visit. I love some of the larger pieces, but also ordered some of Sea-phistication, which is smaller and doesn’t have as much bling and can therefore wear more often. Again, hope your daugther is doing well. Thanks Dina for your kind words. She is a little better today. I absolutely love the Sea-ing Star Suite (ordered all). I will probably figure out a way to keep all that I ordered. Might sell a few oldies on the E auction site that I don’t wear, or haven’t worn enough to keep. Glad you like your new loot of sparkles. Oh, my husband is back at work, and I have another week off to play in my jewelry boxes. I sure wish I had a friend in Austin who likes Heidi as much as I do, so we could play dress up together like little kids lol.
Oh, WendyTX,,,so sorry to hear that your daughter had to go to the doctor. Hope she is feeling better and that you can keep some of the goodies you ordered during Heidi’s visit. I love some of the larger pieces, but also ordered some of Sea-phistication, which is smaller and doesn’t have as much bling and can therefore wear more often. Again, hope your daugther is doing well.
Just received 2 boxes of my Heidi treasures. Bad news was husband answered the doorbell when UPS delivered. Told him he bought my birthday gifts and he was okay with it. I love the Queen Crab and also the Gone Fishing necklace. I am short, too, and the triple strand looked fine. I am just tickled with all my purchases and I justify them by thinking that Heidi won’t be on-air again until Sept. Hope everyone else is happy with their treasures! nancy I know exactly how you feel. Thank goodness, I was on vacation. I had my friend get my packages from the door for me. Then their was a package handed off to Post Office that would be delivered Saturday (We came back Friday). I prayed he wouldn’t drop it off at the door, and put it in the locked mail box around the corner. YES! My prayer was answered. I love everything I received. The bad news is I might have to send some back, because I had to take my daughter to the doctors office yesterday and I ended up paying $300 for visit and meds. Can’t believe we have insurance and still end up paying 100% out of pocket because of those darn deductables!
Hi ladies! I would also like to know when Heidi will be back. I will be away and I hope I don’t miss her. That’s why I missed my Queen Crab initially. The pros and cons of travel. Lol! :-({|=
Heidi’s jewelry always makes my day! =h1>
Hi SteelButterfly–lucky you–and I loved the way you phrased it–being able to catch that crab bangle. So pretty! Does anyone know if Heidi mentioned when in Sept. she would be back–early or late Sept?
Hi Dina3, glad you love your new items. I was able to catch the Queen Crab bangle!!! I’m so excited about that. I got the ring too. Happy birthday to me! :d/ Hope everyone else is pleased with their goodies. Looking forward to Heidi’s September visit!
Just went onto HSN website and guess what….they now have a game to play for discounts. Hmmmm,,,,a week too late for me. (sad face here).
Just received 2 boxes of my Heidi treasures. Bad news was husband answered the doorbell when UPS delivered. Told him he bought my birthday gifts and he was okay with it. I love the Queen Crab and also the Gone Fishing necklace. I am short, too, and the triple strand looked fine. I am just tickled with all my purchases and I justify them by thinking that Heidi won’t be on-air again until Sept. Hope everyone else is happy with their treasures! nancy
That Queen Crab necklace is just plain GORGEOUS on the screen. I am so disappointed because I’ve wanted Heidi to do a crab (my zodiac sign) for years and the Queen crab necklace–as beautiful as it is–is a multi strand! I only do well with Heidi’s single, or sometimes the double-strand beads because I’m short. The single strand Bling of the Jungle Necklace is my all-time favorite. It is perfect!
I missed out on the Queen Crab bangle, so now I’m waiting for one to pop back in. Not so sure about the design of the ring. There is no video and I didn’t see it presented. I’m just not that crazy about the big white station on the top of the ring judging from the online still photo. I wish the ring was of a similar design to the bangle. Does anyone have the ring? Can you give a review of it? Maybe Heidi will design a Queen Crab pin in the future. I will continue to watch and wait and hope! 🙂
I did get the turquoise Mr. Elephante’ necklace. I hope I can pull off the double strand there. Considering Pineapple Passion now. I love the design and the colorway. Beautiful!
Ladies!! The Byzantine Beauty bangle is on sale for an incredible price of $49.95. I have all five of them, and they are gorgeous!! Pick them up while you can!! :d/
Conversation Info
Posted in Jewelry
1,075 Replies
07.15.16 2:00 PM
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