Favorite Jewelry
, I think talisman jewelry goes against some ppl’s religious beliefs. This is just a guess, but maybe they feel like only their Savior can protect them. The evil eye is worn as a symbol of good luck but is really to protect the wearer from the evil eyes, or wicked looks, from others.
It Has to be diamonds!
Rarities has some pretty pieces, but because they have so many mythological and other types such as ‘the evil eye’ and so forth …….. I leave it all alone.
I love white diamonds (which I have ) , brown (chocolate) diamonds (which I want ) and sapphires (I have) and rubies (I have )
As for my very favorite to wear though, HANDS DOWN — my Heidi Daus jewels .
Oops! meant to reply to wearing a watch further down!
Whoa, I just read this entire thread. You girls are SAVVY and know your
stuffgems! I found it fascinating. -
Is someone able to explain why my Phantom Quartz pendant bought 7years ago approx, appears to look the same as a bi color quartz that I just purchased at HSN? It’s similiar in shape, and color, which is why I am confused. I am comparing to the Hillary Joy bi color 444-980, which I am very happy with. Just confused.
Snow, did you like your necklace? Hope it arrived in tact and beautiful.
I am a diamond person. Imitationseems ti bother my skin.
Someone in another thread just mentioned Sevilla Silver. I love this brand.
It is Back!:smileyvery-happy:
That is nice.
EMMA SKYE is on Now!!! ………. Hello Howard!
Nice to see that Emma Skye will be on tonight.:smileyvery-happy:
Conversation Info
Posted in Jewelry
35 Replies
06.11.16 12:57 PM
0 Participants