Absolute Jewelry
Is HSN going to stop selling the above????? I see Victoria Wieck only has gemstone shows???? Also, there are very few new products available???
How is the quality of this jewelry line. I am disappointed that HSN doesn’t have the warranty that QVC has for Diamonique…lifetime. You can purchase a warranty but it is only good for 2 years.
Are these issues with stones falling out? I checked the products and there are no reviews on anything?
Can someone explain? Thanks
, we’re still offering Absolute! Check out the next Absolute shows Feb 23 at 1 pm and March 30 7 pm ET. Victoria Wieck Gemstones Feb 14 at 1 pm and Feb 15 at 5 pm ET.
, it’s too late to reopen aged Price Guarantee requests, sorry, the system would process out of date activities. Going forward, keep letting us know, in the Community, that a price has dropped. We’re here to help.
A BAD risks.
My hubby just returned from a business trip. A man behind his seat on the plane, was coughing & hacking non stop. A day or so later he was getting sick. Day 2, I drove him to the doctors. He ended up missing 3 days of work, worked the 4th “work day” from home via computer & phone.
While I realize this sick man on the plane might be trying to get home from____(fill in the blank) & not have a choice but to fly, he DID have a choice to cover his mouth & try not to spread germs.
But lets face it, not everybody cares about hygiene. Common courtesy is becoming rare.
Ever watch people at self serve buffets? Or even more maddening, small children at the buffet serving themselves?
I *hate* being forced to sit so close to these sick people. Much of the time they don’t even bother to properly cover their mouths when coughing (you cough into your shoulder and elbow!) or to santize their hands!
I mean, I understand that it might be difficult to change your tickets and all – and myself flew sick on the way back quite a few times – thanks to these sick people next to me on the way there (grrrrrrr), because at that time what do you do, get stuck in Detroit hotel or something for a week?
the least you can do if you are sick, at least be considerate of others. Don’t cough all over the place! Sanitize your hands! Take decongestants.
That is a no no!
Maybe they didn’t become ill until they were already on their trip! Happens way too often unfortunately!
Conversation Info
Posted in Jewelry
10 Replies
12.05.16 7:53 PM
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