Why sell inferior products?
The Bell and Howell pest repellers have way more 1 star reviews than 5 star reviews. The majority of people think they do not work and see spiders and other creatures walking near or on the devices. Why would you make that a TS? and how is it possible that there are such differing reviews? This is not subjective. It either works or not. Would love this item of it were assured to work but I am extremely skeptical.
Hi ?,
At 1st I wasn’t thrilled about the Imperial Honey scent either but loved the cream so much I got used to it and it doesn’t linger. This one I could smell for hours on my body. It is also too vanilla like which is one note I avoid at all costs.
Thank y’all for the info!! I actually got a good laugh picturing the bugs crawling on these Bell and Howell Repellers. I HATE bugs! My boyfriend has a worm farm in one of the spare bedrooms. Can u imagine? Opposites do attract! 😉
They are a complete waste of money and THEY DO NOT WORK!!!!! Don’t waste your money. I have my house professionally sprayed now – it obviously costs more – but for the most part I am bug free except for the occasional fly that gets in. I hate flys so bad – you would think I am a total crazy person as I grab my pad and sneak around until I get that rotten thing. All I think about is everyplace they have landed until I get them. And NO, I am not a catch and release on fly’s – they’re smashed.
Being a new customer at HSN, I have ordered a few stinkers. That’s when I discovered I must read all of the reviews. I was wondering why they do not pull a product off the shelf that gets more bad reviews consistently than it does good reviews by a big margin ? If I read a bad review that’s a silly review or they just say they haven’t yet tried the product I don’t consider that a review . I do wish more people would write reviews as I’ve noticed so many products , Especially jewelry only have one or two review. If a product does not work or is a bad product it reflects on HSN integrity . Thank goodness the majority of products are awesome! I wish they would consider getting rid of the ones that are stinkers ! Because it makes you feel like you’ve just been hyped . I tried to write an honest review on everything I order.
I tried these, although another brand, years ago. It did not take me long to realize that they did NOT work.
The power of suggestion is at play here. If a person “believes” something works, I guess to them it does. They don’t see the mice and bugs crawling by the device. Some people see what they want to see, or in this case “don’t” want to see. It works all the time with cosmetics. :womanlol:
I know of someone who had them in several rooms & I always wondered why because they obviously didn’t work but whenever I mentioned something about them not working ever so politely, the person would get offended so whenever I would go to visit this person I would find myself staring at these pest repellers plugged in & want to laugh, laugh, laugh but I kept my mouth shut. But who knows maybe they don’t repel those nasty stink bugs???????? I have also seen spiders too tiny ones…… Just food for thought…….
Hi ohoh, this is a very nice set.:womanhappy:
Nice deal!!:womanhappy:
OHOHOH, that has to be the most novel reason to buy an outfit!! I hope that you find it in your size and that you like it!! :womanvery-happy:
I hope its still available. I’m getting this now, for no other reason than the fact that Antthony named if after my most favorite song. – ‘ Sittin On The Dock Of The Bay.‘ – Sing it Otis. :womanhappy:
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
12 Replies
08.13.16 11:17 PM
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