Which troll are you? Poppy, relentlessly upbeat, or Branch, overly-cautious?
Which troll are you? Poppy, relentlessly upbeat, or Branch, overly-cautious? Share your choice and tune in for The Monday Night Show October 31 to see if your story gets shared on air or picked to win a $25 gift card to HSN!
I think I’m more like Poppy! (at least most of the time). So yeah, I’m more like Poppy!
New troll alert, I’m the Relentlessly Shopping Troll! :catwink:
Ii would have to say 90 percent Poppy and maybe 10 percent Branch.:womanlol:
Poppy is my dog and he makes me very happy.:heart:
Hi everyone,
Oh*..I know I am a little ‘bit’ of each…depending on my mood…mostly somewhere inbetween 🙂 I do have some interesting moods sometimes 🙂
I think the trolls are adorable…I enjoy your show…it’s a lot of fun, you and your guests all make me smile 🙂 Have a great night all ~ ?
I would say I am Poppy with a little sprinkle of Branch sometimes. I have a positive, upbeat and funny personality.
I would say overly-cautious. Sometimes I wait too long and the item I like is sold out on HSN. I have to over think less and act faster.
I guess I would have to be Branch, overly-cautious.
Hi Linda,
It depends on the mood I’m:)
I am usually laid back and cautious:)
But when my anxiety kicks in I am very restless:)
I will say Branch:)
Thank you for asking, Adam:)
poppy!!! i was even lucky enough to find a little poppy doll when i went to open a new box of cheerios. so excited. just love it!!! xoxo
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
25 Replies
11.01.16 1:24 AM
0 Participants