Which troll are you? Poppy, relentlessly upbeat, or Branch, overly-cautious?
Which troll are you? Poppy, relentlessly upbeat, or Branch, overly-cautious? Share your choice and tune in for The Monday Night Show October 31 to see if your story gets shared on air or picked to win a $25 gift card to HSN!
Congratulations to the 10/31/16 winner, ?!
We asked: Which troll are you? Poppy, relentlessly upbeat, or Branch, overly-cautious?
You answered: I would say overly-cautious. Sometimes I wait too long and the item I like is sold out on HSN. I have to over think less and act faster.
Check your email on file inbox for gift card details.
Have a Spooktackular time:)
Its fun here!
Branch, because I’m always paranoid.
Adam You Look Incredible! Sexy with all color hair lol ?? I am definitely Poppy bouncing around always being happy and appreciative of Everything! HSN is the Cream of the crop! Just bought two Adrienne Landau Angel Wraps for my Daughters and know they will adore.
i am like Poppy. i do not like to give up when trouble finds me. instead, i figure out a solution and kick Trouble in the butt!
I am relentlessly if there is something I want I don’t rest until I own the item
poppy! fun, energetic, always eager to put a Smile on people’s faces!
? Adam just read your answer on air :smileyvery-happy: but has not announced a winner yet…
I am like Poppy. I try to be the cheerleader with a positive attitude. Like Poppy, I believe being true to yourself is ALWAYS the best answer.
Hi Adam.. Perfect Halloween ?..not only am i POPPY but i work with 20 other poppy’s everyday of the year,fun crazy haircolors &styles that bring a lot of fun and excitement ..to us and our clients..after all it’s only ‘HAIR..what are we called?..TROLLS ..i mean HairDressers!!! ddshoppy ;^)
I’m a mixture of the two most definitely….I’m friendly and upbeat like Poppy, but I tend to be cautious like Branch. Ofcourse, there has to be a balance between the two personalities or you can end up being way too much to handle…Lol!! My fiance certainly appreciates that, otherwise I would drive him absolutely BANANAS!! I do have my moments though….:womanvery-happy::womanwink:
Poppy – definitely. Life is too short to be anything but happy! One of my life’s missions is to find things to be happy about – each day. Being happy is my addiction! ??
Sorry, but I can’t relate to either of them, except maybe for the hair. :womanlol:
I would have to say Poppy because she’s a girl and so am I. Poppy has long pink hair and flowers on her headband and a great attitude.
Both! I guess 60% Branch and 40% Poppy. :womanlol:
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
25 Replies
11.01.16 1:24 AM
0 Participants