What’s the worst thing about holiday shopping at the mall?
What’s the worst thing about holiday shopping at the mall? Add your story and tune for the The Monday Night Show November 28 to see if your story gets shared on air or picked to win a $25 gift card to HSN!
There is not just ONE THING!! First, you have to find a place to park. That can suck up at least 10-15 minutes of your time. Second, you fight the crowds to the items you wish to purchase, only to not be able to find them in the sizes you need after sorting through piles of clothes/shoes/etc. removed from packages, hangers, tables, and on the floor. Don’t even bother trying to find a salesperson to help you!! 3rd, once you find what you need, you then attempt to find a check out line that doesn’t snake around the store longer than the line of children waiting to see Santa. You hope you get out with your sanity and everything you came for. These are the main reasons I do not shop at malls anymore unless I really have to.
If I tried to go shopping at 3am, I would get arrested.
I haven’t been to a Mall in so long that I have forgotten how much I didn’t like the crowds, the poor service, standing on lines, and the horror of hot, humid, dressing rooms. Yuck.
I used to enjoy the whole holiday shopping and I still do to a certain extent, but now it’s gotten crazy and dangerous. I avoid Black Friday at all costs….Seriously!!! Sorry just not worth the discount to me at all…the crowds, the pushing, the grabbing, and the Noise!! I will only venture out if I know what I want and really really want it, otherwise I shop online and also wait for cyber monday deals. If none of that works out, I just wait it out till end of the holidays and shop the clearance items… With HSN I’m pretty well stocked up though… :womanvery-happy:
For me, its the parking stress and then waiting and waiting in lines….
I do not appreciate people who shop while not feeling well and spreading their germs to others. Besides it’s more fun to shop from home still in PJs and slippers avoiding illnesses, parking terrors, long lines, etc. etc. and to never hear those words, “we are currently out of stock.”
The worst thing is that I can’t bring my ENORMOUS BEST FRIEND FOREVER with me. I’m talking about my dog.
At the mall or any public place I don’t like It. all It takes is just one person to walk by me and sneeze or cough, and 3 day’s later I’m sick with a cold
You can’t hit ENTER and buy what you want. The only thing good about the mall is you might run into a friend and end up at the food court and get caught up on all the news and not have to do any actualy shopping.
Going to my parents house for Thanksgiving. We celebrated it today. They live near a very popular shopping center in Fredericksburg, VA. The traffic was awful today and will be horrific for the next few days. I found out today that the stores in that area will open at 5pm Thanksgiving Day!
Serious answer:
I live in one of the wealthiest areas in the US and no one I know will venture to the mall after dark. We already avoid it on the weekends due to the busloads of people brought in for holiday shopping and the chaos of crowds with few salespeople to be found. Friends of my MIL who work in 2 of the anchor stores (they both start with N) at our local mall will NOT work after dark; many women won’t. Being held up at gunpoint or shot for your shopping bags has happened too many times to count. Sad but true.
Malls? Malls? Oh Adam, they’re so 20th Century! If I can’t get what you want Online, you’re getting a Gift Card!
The confusion, the crowds, the pushing, not knowing if I’m going to find what I’m looking for, the walking [a thing I cannot do much anymore] hoping to find a seat to sit, which is usually occupied by a child, who instead of sitting jumps up and down, while the parents are talking on their cell phones, and a bathroom! sometimes there is no empty one, once I had to use the mens bathroom!!!! not to mention how dirty bathrooms are, with so many people using them. Oh no not for me!
Well to be very honest I really do not know any GOOD reason to holiday shop at the mall. I do not need the crowds , the hectic search from store to store , finding a parking place , or waiting in longs lines to pay .
I am not going to get all dressed up to go hunting for something I may or may not find!
Shoppers and store workers really try to be happy, optimistic .and nice -I have to believe that .However the stress of it all oftens shatters the goal to remain polite and calm. As the days and weeks roll on nearing the date , the crowds get larger and more desparate, the calm and politeness seems to dwindle.
Well I just stay home and order, order, order. It is much better for my sanity and certainly safer .
Y’all no matter which you choose have a good one . Cheers ! -
Oh my goodness, the parking, long lines, and the large crowds. That’s why I do a lot of my shopping online. Can’t deal with it.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
80 Replies
01.15.17 2:36 PM
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