What’s the worst thing about holiday shopping at the mall?
What’s the worst thing about holiday shopping at the mall? Add your story and tune for the The Monday Night Show November 28 to see if your story gets shared on air or picked to win a $25 gift card to HSN!
, your order will ship before the February program guide will be ready. I requested one for you so it will ship around the 24th.
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We asked: What’s the worst thing about holiday shopping at the mall?
You answered: The “Parking Lot Stalkers”. The creepy shoppers who follow you as you are walking down the parking lanes, as they go very, very slowly behind you, assuming you are going to your car and leaving. I especially love it, when I am only going to put packages into the trunk, to then go back and shop some more.
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Waiting on line only to find out the item your buying that you think you are going to save a ton of money on with the in store coupon,is excluded from the sale
I buy most of my gift from hsn l buy their TSV month’s before Christmas it is cheaper and l have month’s to pay it off and l keep them hidden under my staircase until it’s time to hand it out.
Rudeness of other shoppers.
Waiting in line for 25 minuntes and finally getting close to the register and the kids say “We have to go to the bathroom!” The bathroom was a bit of a walk away so there was no telling them, “just hang on for 5 more minutes!” Now they stay home with Dad.
Furness of other shoppers.
The worst thing about shopping at the mall is I have to turn off HSN in order to go. And why would I want to do that?????
Lines!! Who wants to wait an hour to buy one little thing?
All of the hurry up and wait.
Of course it’s the parking first, followed by the huge hike in the cold after you finally get a spot that seems like a mile out. Once inside, there’s the crowds, the pushing and the standing in line for EVERYTHING, including the bathroom. Then you get home, turn on HSN and find a better deal!! Never again. Thank you HSN for comfy, cozy shopping at home without all the hassles!
Absolute chaos. Be prepared as if you’re going into battle. First, you join a line of cars looking for a parking spot. I always end up parking 3 football fields away from the mall and squeezed in between 2 cars where the drivers were oblivious to the yellow lines. Everyone must climb over the seats and exit my car through the back hatch since none of us are skinny enough to shimmy between the cars. Upon entering the mall you are swept into the sea of people shoving and pushing to find a great deal. Going to the mall during the month of December is a lesson in the survival of the fittest.
Walking around seeing how people have lost what Christmas is really about, kindness , giving and being courteous, did a lot of tv shopping. Merry Christmas to alll
the worst is when you are not ready to go but the kids are! they cry, tug on you, kick, roll on floor; all horrible things to make you want to scream! when all you really want is to just shop for deals!!!!!!
the worst thing about the Holiday Shopping at the Mall is the traffic, people can be so rude trying to just get a deal.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
80 Replies
01.15.17 2:36 PM
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