What’s the tallest tale your dad ever told?
What’s the tallest tale your dad ever told? Add your story and tune for the The Monday Night Show June 6 to see if your story gets shared on air or picked to win a $25 gift card to HSN!
I used to hate them too! My mom always boiled or steamed them.. :catfrustrated:
A friend made them for me this is what he did; Sliced in1/2 length wise and took off outer leaves as neccessary, then sauteed them in coconut oil and ghee with a little chopped garlic, chopped sun dried tomoates, portobello mushrooms until lightly browned. Thes tossed some roasted pine nuts on them. So delicious! I made these for my brother who also thought he hated them and he loves them now too.
The quantities are very flexible. For Thanksgiving or anytime you can also drizzle them w/ the juice of a fresh orange, tangerine or mandarin type of citrus.
My brother is w/ Trekky w/ the bacon idea only he throws is raw chopped bacon and uses the fat as the main oil.
It could not be easier, just do not over cook them. I use my iron skillet for these but any skillet will work fine.
Thanks Mooncat, sounds like some good recipe ideas.
Hi Adam! :womanhappy:
I can’t think of one … no, not even one. You see, My wonderful dad didn’t tell any tales. He was all the way Perfect! :womanwink:
(One day lil Oliver will say the same about you.) :smileywink:
My Dad had a bunch, it’s hard to pick one.
He had to walk three miles to school in two feet of snow. And it was up hill both ways.
When he came from the old country he had nothing, now he has twice as much.
When we asked him if he had to memorize lists of presidents and state capitals, etc, he said yes, but there were only 6 states, 4 planets, and three presidents.
Most of these were in reply to things we complained about as kids – walking to the school bus stop, doing chores for our allowance, doing homework, etc. He always had a come back.
The tale my Dad told me is one I mentioned a week or so back on another thread. I was always the smallest shortest girl in my class. I went crying to my Dad. He said “Turn around, let me take a look at you”. I did as he said, but, didn’t know why he asked me that. After I turned all the way around, he said “You’re tall enough”. I asked “how do you know that?” He said “because your legs reach all the way up to my butt”. Thus, confirming to my young mind…I, indeed, was tall enough. I never complained after that. Being petite turned out to be a great advantage. I was successful in competitive sports for 13 years as a gymnast. Just as my Dad said I was tall enough! :heart::heart::heart:
if i remember correctly, it was something about a fiat “500”, the old country and a pack of cigarettes to the winner of either a round or two of scopa (neopolitan card game) and/or a balmy and humid summer bocce game. not to mention being forced by your friends to treat them to a movie in a real movie theatre. the cost being a whopping 5 cents. go figure. ahhh, the price we pay for friendship. oh, sigh… xoxo
My dad told me we were members of the French aristocracy who came to America to escape the French Revolution. Sounded good at the time, but it’s not true.
The Christmas I was 5 years old, we didn’t get any snow and I was completely worried sick on how Santa was going to come …………..
My Dad assured me that Santa would arrive ….
On Christmas morning, to my usual over excitement, there were our gifts under the tree !
My Dad took me out back, where we had gotten a light dusting of snow on the ground and showed me where Santa’s “helicopter” had landed :heart:
When I was little we would go camping. My Dad said that there were “snipe” animals that only came out at night and they were cute and friendly and we should try to catch one to take home for a pet. One night we were each given flashlights and pillow cases and told to go out “snipe” hunting. After beating the bushes around the campfire and calling “here snipe” for about an hour (Dad and Mom were laughing like crazy) we were called back in and told it was just a joke! To his dying day he used to love to tell people about his kids going “snipe” hunting.:womanhappy::heart:
That he wasn’t having an affair!
My father told his 4 children a very romantic tale of how he met my mother at the Pocono’s proceeded to wine and dine her and swept her off her feet.The truth was my AUNT met my uncle at the Pocon’s and my father joined him one weekend to visit her. My aunt’s younger sister was to be my father’s date but she had a date, so her very single older sister (my Mom) became my father’s blind date. Mom said there was no wining and dining as my father had 2 part time jobs. But love won out and my parents are married 57 years and my aunt and uncle are married 58 years..
My daddy seldom told tall tales so this was a real surprise:womanwink:..On Christmas Eve my sis and I would always be whispering in bed ,waiting on Santa,and daddy would always tell us to go to sleep or he would not come.
1 yr,we woke up and hurried to the tree.No gifts,stockings,not even a piece of candy.:womansurprised:..After a few minutes of seeing how disappointed we were,the gifts and stockings were brought out of the closet.
He said Santa told them to hide them there since we had not been good girls…After that,we always went right to sleep.:womanhappy:
1300 just now. Its thunder and lightning. You and me vplease pick me
1582 is the score anew. Please pull my name and I’ll live you??????
My brother was minding his classroom’s white mouse for the weekend. Well, you guessed it, the creature got out of his cage. Dad was watching TV.. He threw a football from his recliner and killed it. My brother walks in and said he had to feed the school pet. Dad was horrified as he did not know that “Buddy” was a beloved school pet. Dad raced to the local pet store just as it was closing. The store manager must have taken pity on my father because Dad walked in just as my brother was crying that “Buddy” was missing. Dad walks over to the farthest window and “finds” the mouse. He said that he saw him out of the corner of his eye. Boy, was he lucky!!!!
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Posted in HSN TV
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11.23.15 1:48 AM
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