What’s the one thing that can really throw your day off track?
What’s the one thing that can really throw your day off track? Add your story and tune for the The Monday Night Show August 8 to see if your story gets shared on air or picked to win a $25 gift card to HSN!
Waking up too early really throws my day off track. I usually try to go back to sleep and for some strange reason can’t teach myself that it never works out. However, if I go ahead and get up to start my day I’m usually tired all day. I know that if I get some exercise in during the day my sleep will be better, so that’s usually my solution.
Coffee! my second love!
I don’t want to take away from anyone’s replies as I can relate with the everyday life events that will really throw your day off track but regardless so many are so blessed regardless. Babies waking in the night, the cry for feeding/chaning means they are alive and well, coffee maker breaks you can replace it, the power is off…the company will turn it back on, the cable/internet down & 1st tech out is 4 days..very aggrivating, you get in the car to leave, it won’t crank “now that is what I call really off track” but my most thrown off track day in my life is to have a doctor sitting 2 feet in front of me say “I am sorry Susan but it is malignant, you do have cancer” my life was thrown off track…so really I can handle most everything but now every oncologist follow up appointment which occurs every 2-3 months, sooner if problems, my next is next Friday at 8:30am…not just that day but weeks before it, my stomach is sick with anxiety that I am going to hear the words “I am sorry, there is nothing else we can do”…that will be the next words…in 6yrs I have had a cancer diagnosis, a recurrence diagnosis, a metastic diagnosis with the recurrence, informed I am a gene carrier and have exhausted any more chances to take chemo…Please everyone know that most everything in life will be okay but when you loose your health, you’ve lost everything…bless you all
What can throw off my day is getting in the shower after my son only to run out of hot water in the middle of my shower ritual. You can’t just get out half done so you finish your routine in cold water, teeth chattering, goose bumps and all! Nothing like a cold shower to start the day off right! Might as well expect stubbed toes, cold coffee and anything else that can go wrong because it always happens that way for me! Ever try to complete a cold shower without some muttering and foul language that a mother shouldn’t be using? Gotta love those days!!!!
Have a great show!
Adam, waking up and noticed the power went out. I can get coffee down the street, but my hair? Would not do this to anyone early in the morning. Received once a picture from a baby, her hair all over the place, like they put a ballon on her head. “Nana’s Hair”:catlol:
Any day I have to get up early, which is almost everyday. I’m not a morning person.??
Truth? ..not enough “fiber in my diet” 😉 lol
Truth? HSN COUPONS for ‘Select Customers Only’.
i have 4 dogs and a cat. If I just lay in bed for even 5 minutes longer than my set time, I cannot get everything done in time to get to work. 2 of my dogs have to be hand fed and the cat doesn’t stop meowing in the morning until she’s fed. I can’t stand noise in the morning so any noise (barking/meowing, doors slamming dishes clanking) will start my day off on a bad note. I then have to tell myself, “This is the day the Lord has made. I will be glad and rejoice in it.” :womanhappy:
I have my daily routine of coffee, watch the local news and then my day starts with a few games here at the arcade. This started a few years ago and when I can’t start this way my day is just off. I really think the games just help to stimulate my brain to get it in gear:womanvery-happy:
I had fun reading all of you, folks post and I can relate to most of them:)
Have a wonderful time and take care:)
Peace and love:)
Hi Adam,
Miss Kitty, my furbaby, waking me up by playing with the bathroom blinds.
She thinks when she’s up at 2:00am that I should also be playing aorund.
I have trouble sleeping anyway but Miss Kitty doesn’t know this.
At least I think she doesn’t know.
Well anyway that is one thing that can really throw my day off track not getting enough sleep.
Another thing not being able to shop Oh No!!! I would have to mention that !!!
Thank you for asking.
Good luck everyone.
Peace and love always:)
When I finally have a day of me time at home, and my husband calls to tell me he’s coming home from work early.
Don’t know how to put this delicately…don’t think I really can, so I’ll just come out with it.
Having to be somewhere earlier than usual and throwing off my bodily functions. (bowel activity)
MESSES ME UP FOR DAYS TO COME!!!Hey, you asked! :womanlol:
Not eating breakfast in the morning, throws not only my day off but my weight loss program as well. 22 lbs down so far.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
59 Replies
08.09.16 12:47 PM
0 Participants