What’s the craziest stain you’ve ever had to clean?
What’s the craziest stain you’ve ever had to clean? Add your story and tune for the The Monday Night Show August 29 to see if your story gets shared on air or picked to win a $25 gift card to HSN!
Kitty paw prints. When I was painting the bedroom, Charlie, my sweet yellow cat, decided to dip his little paws in the paint pan. He then jumped on the bed onto a brand new full-size sheet before I could stop him. I never did get the prints out, but that’s okay. Charlie was a rescue who had feline leukemia and has since passed away. That sheet is still used often, and whenever I see those little paw prints, I think of my sweet Charlie. :heart:
Last year when I reached for a jar of grape juice in the supermarket , it slipped out of my hands and splashed onto my sandals and my white hoodie jacket. I luckily was able to get it all out . A true laundry miracle.
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Posted in HSN TV
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11.01.16 5:15 PM
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