What’s the craziest stain you’ve ever had to clean?
What’s the craziest stain you’ve ever had to clean? Add your story and tune for the The Monday Night Show August 29 to see if your story gets shared on air or picked to win a $25 gift card to HSN!
? LOL! you are right! she has bought me many, many lunches! ps. i never got the oil rings out. i turned the cushion over…and never forgot what was on the other side!!!:heart:
? you are so talented you probably just made the rug look better!!!!:heart:
? another true story. same time frame. years ago when i was younger and didn’t have much money, i had been doing a lot of dog and cat sitting and had a little extra money. i saw an amazing cream colored, wool coat at bullock’s dept store and had to have it. i never bought myself anything. (this was pre hsn days) it was delicious! cream, thigh length, wool, with knit cuffs, front zipper and a button-closed, attached cape. it was gorgeous!
it was cool one night and i wore it for the first time, feeling pretty sassy :cattongue: so, it was late, i was driving home, and i was starving. i went to a drive-thru taco place and got a couple of tacos. i ate while driving home. i got home, went into the house and saw that i had three, twelve-inch-long streaks of orange grease ALL OVER THE FRONT OF MY NEW CREAM COLORED, WOOL COAT!!!! :catsad: i almost fainted. it never totally came out.
i was soooooo sad. and yes, i still torment myself with the “i can’t believe you ate tacos while driving and dripped orange grease all over the front of your new coat!!!!” story. :heart:
? years ago, when i was younger and really didn’t have much money, i saved up to have my grandmother’s chair reupholstered. this was a very big deal for me, and it was expensive! one day, i picked up the chair, thrilled to have it look so good in my tiny studio apt. my best friend was going to massage therapy school and came over that night to practice on me. she walked in and the very first thing she did was put her massage oil basket down on my newly upholstered chair!!!!!! SHE PUT A BASKET OF OIL BOTTLES ON MY CHAIR!!!! woooooooowwwwzzzzzaaaaa! i have never moved across a room so fast! (ok, it was a small studio, but still..i was fast!) too late. it left rings of oil in several places! i couldn’t believe it. :catmad: :catsad:
she is still my BFF and yes, i still torment her with the “i can’t believe you put oil bottles on my upholstered chair” stories every chance it get.:heart:
@Sylvia601 ? sylvia, as retlaw says…………AWESOMEBALLS photo!!!!!!!:heart:
After a local fair, I decided to lay down on the couch for a nap – and totally forgot about the face paint on my cheek! I woke up to a huge red, black and glittery stain on my couch cushion and throw pillow! Luckily, the stain came out :smileyhappy:
? :catvery-happy: ooooohhhh noooooo never, thor, never my big, perfect, love/purrmachine. he is sending head bumps to you right now.:heart:
if i could ever figure out how to post a photo, i’ll send you one of him. thor ist ganz, ganz liebe!:heart:
? i am laughing out loud!!!! thank you!:heart:
? meeeeeeeoooooowwwwww and “meeeeee ouch!” :heart: nik
? oh sylvia. that is such a funny story!!! :catvery-happy: it looks like there will be a photo, right now there is only the triangle in the box. i can’t wait to see the vomiting pumpkin! :heart: nik
I’m only writing this because I’m certain it won’t be read by the person who’s gazzilion dollar rug I almost ruined.
I was doing an oil painting of my host’s villa (palace) in Italy as a thank you for his hospitality. While holding my artist’s palette loaded with freshly squeezed oil paints, a container of linseed oil, another of dirty turpentine in one hand, paint brushes in the other I lost my footing and crashed to the floor.
With palette face down, blobs of color mixed with oil and turpentine seeping deep into the rug, paint splattered white walls from flying brushes I now found myself in the middle of a Jackson Pollock painting mortified and panic stricken. What was I going to do? Ask the household staff if I could borrow some cleaning and stain supplies? I don’t think so.
Repainting the walls with white paint was a chore but doable, then I had to get creative with the rug. I used my paints to create and duplicate new patterns in the complex rug design until you couldn’t tell there had ever been a major disaster. What a job that was.
Lesson learned: choose your thank you gifts wisely.
I’m not good with stain removal. One that comes to mind is the red cough syrup stain dribbled onmy carpet, left by a parent who brought a sick child to a birthday party. Poor person tried to clean before breaking the news to me. Another is a decorate your own cupcake party where the chairs were left covered with the little candy and frosting decorations.
I am almost embarrassed to share my stain story since I still shudder when I think about it. I was at the shopping mall with my niece. We stopped and bought hot pretzels. I was carrying my mustard covered pretzel on their version of a paper plate, a tiny square of wax paper. As I juggled my purse, shopping bags and my mustard covered pretzel, my niece pointed out a display in the mall. As I turned to look, my mustard covered pretzel flew out of my hand. It was if my life was in slow motion. The pretzel went up in the air and started flipping and spraying mustard. My brain was screaming “NOOOOOOOO!” The pretzel hit the worst place possible on a man. Yep, what you’re thinking is probably right. The pretzel didn’t stop there. It continued on it’s journey, mustard side down until it reached it’s final resting place. The top of the man’s white athletic shoes. Completely humiliated, I rushed to clean up the stains with my napkin. I was on my knees in the middle of the shopping mall, apologizing profusely, while rubbing the yellow mustard stains with my napkin. His wife assessed the situation and said “It’s okay, you can stop trying to clean up my husband.” Yes, that was the craziest stain I have ever had to clean!
In the year 2000, 8 months after buying my new car, I won a pumpkin at our Halloween party at work. I put it on the floor behind the driver’s side of the car. I totally forgot about it for weeks, until I didn’t smell the new car smell anymore. I didn’t understand this “new smell,” until I opened all the doors to air out the car.
Lo, and behold, there was a puking pumpkin in my car! The faint smell is still there as a reminder; the stain has never diminished even though I used everything known to mankind to remove!!
? @4kitties, ooohhhh retlaw, you have sooooo much to learn about the sleek, silent, patient, killing machine that masquerades as a sweet, cuddly, innocent, with the big, “who, me?” eyes. :catwink: yes, we find parts, it isn’t pretty. sometimes we get “whole” animals as gifts or “food.” cats really are devine animals, just not the parts, part. :heart: nik
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Posted in HSN TV
63 Replies
11.01.16 5:15 PM
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