What’s the craziest stain you’ve ever had to clean?
What’s the craziest stain you’ve ever had to clean? Add your story and tune for the The Monday Night Show August 29 to see if your story gets shared on air or picked to win a $25 gift card to HSN!
flyby2 all heidi is on flex pay today, I hope that helps! I could not do it w/out that flex. :heart:
no worries, flyby!!! the best part about heidi’s pieces is that they are each individual works of art that are made to be admired. let’s face it, the majority of people will never be able to afford the mona lisa. yet, it draws crowds and crowds of people each and everyday who want to do nothing more than to just admire it. there’s nothing wrong with that. it just proves that all of us have an eye for the creative. just love it. i love ya flyby!!! be well, my heidi friend. xoxo
Thank you all so, so much. 🙂 🙂
GardenMom….Good for you ..enjoyed your stain story.. now time to shop with your $25 gift card .. Always Fun here. ddshoppy
Congratulations on your win GardenMom:)
I’m so happy for you:)
Peace and love always!
Wow!! I am so happy. Thank you very much HSN for the prize. I appreciate it so much. Thank you everybody here too for the congrats. 🙂 I had to clean that sweater several times before the black marker came out. I sure had to bite my tongue with that student. He was a handful at times.
Congratulations Garden mom on your win!
Congratulations, GardenMom for a sweet story! Have fun shopping with your prize award!
Congrats GardenMom. Good story! Enjoy spending that stainy gift card!
? yea!!!!! congratulations!!! i taught kindergarten, too. but i was never drawn on! too funny! enjoy your gift card!!!!:heart: :heart: nik
Congratulations to the 8/29/2016 winner, ?!
We asked: What’s the craziest stain you’ve ever had to clean?
You answered:A pre-k student using my beige sweater as a coloring book. I was working with another student as the time and finally felt a tug on my left arm. He was behind me using a black marker drawing lines on me. I was determined to get the stains out as I worn this sweater to my daughter’s outdoor wedding.
Check your email on file inbox for gift card details.
BLOOD :smileyfrustrated:
Almost a year after getting married my MIL came to visit for the first time. It was Thanksgiving weekend. She was always dressed to the nines and very prim and proper so I wanted everything to be perfect. I spent days preparing for her visit and the meal. When we finished dinner, I finally breathed a sign of relief. After serving dessert and coffee I sat down to enjoy some pie and conversation.
The next thing I knew our usually well behaved dog bounded through the dining room door from the kitchen and ran to put his head in my MIL’s lap. There was a lot of screaming coming from her end of the table. Then the horror began to sink in when I realized the dog had eaten the rest of the blueberry pie before saying hello.
My MIL’s white St. John knit suit was ruined. Everything I tried to remove the stains made things worse. Even our dry cleaner laughed. Poor woman! I still have anxiety attacks when recalling the story.
Still thinking….
? welcome new friend!:heart: and ewwwwwwwww! elephant doo-doo!:cattongue:
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
63 Replies
11.01.16 5:15 PM
0 Participants