very angry
I paid a lot of money for a bed through the Home Shopping Network. I was told it would be delivered with "white glove" service and the delivery would be "gold" level. They were suppose to call and give me a 4 hour window of time when they would arrive, but never did. I tired to call "On Time Delivery Service," which is the place HSN uses in SC to deliver and I could not reach them all day. I could not even leave a message b/c they didn’t clear their voice mail. Then with no warning, the truck shows up with my order. I was in no way ready for it, and when I called the company to complain the owner was absolutely FOUL to me. In so many words he said tough luck for you and when I said something more, he said "all you’re doing is complaining," Well, YEAH….I was getting bad service, why shouldn’t I complain? He resused to let me speak to a supervisor and said he was "too busy to be bothered." Worst delivery experience ever! Will NEVER buy from HSN again since this is the kind of people they sublet delivery to.
I bought A bed and had the same thing happen to me. I think it is the delivery people, I will never do it again. I’m happy with my bed and now it seems like nightmare was just a dream. Hang in there JesseBr. Try and enjoy your bed and sleep off that headache. Check out the thread on Mercury being in retrograve by FaireMaiden,
JesseBr, we are saddened to hear you had an unpleasant ‘white glove’ delivery experience that is reflected back on HSN. It is usual to receive a delivery confirmation phone call and clearly this was not the case for your delivery. I’m sorry you had this stress. I’d like to enter a report with your feedback to improve our services but your Community nickname is not registered to your HSN shopping account. Please take a moment to Private Message me with your order information.
Don’t blame you a bit. HSN doesn’t care a hoot about their customers – all they want is your money. See the website Consumer Affairs – there are 385 complaints / reviews for HSN and they get ONE STAR out of five as a rating. ONE STAR. You have more nerve than me – I’d be scared to order a bed I hadn’t layed on…. I had a super great time at my local Sears where the sales rep was so wonderful with his people skills I am definitely going to buy from him when I do get the bed. Sorry you had an awful experience. HSN: epic fail again!
Well JesseBr, that’s just the tip of the iceburg I won a car and you wouldn’t believe the service I’m getting but still haven’t gotting that car yet!!! Just aggrevation : (
That sounds refreshing. Years ago I used lavender scent shower gel. Thanks for your tip.
? That sounds lovely! Do u make the spritz?
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
7 Replies
06.25.16 12:21 AM
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