TO: Shannon Smith
For all intents and purposes you are the most annoying HSN host. That is all.
Annoying yes, but more importantly, I don’t find Shannon Smith to be at all trustworthy. Everytime she’s selling something, she claims to already own it or just ordered it, sometimes not just one but several of them. There’s just no possible way she could possibly own everything she claims to unless she lives in a gigantic warehouse. Everything she says or does seems to be an over exaggeration even to the extent that she has to repeat everything three times. I was watching her the other night with the WP mixing bowls and she kept claiming that the grater/slicer inserts were something that you would normally need to buy separately but because it was a Today’s Special, they were being included FREE, FREE, FREE! What a lie! I did not hear any of the other hosts making such claims. I did end up ordering the mixing bowls but I made it a point not to order them during Shannon’s show. Sorry, I try to be tolerant and open minded, but I just can’t stand (or sit) to watch her.
Kathy Wolf, hands down, most annoying host. At least Shannon isn’t a stuck on herself braggart.
You don’t have to watch TV or HSN 24/7 to see things that you Like and to see things that you do Not like. We don’t have to talk about what we Like and do Not like…. but we Can and we Will.
Shannon is in a class all by herself. She might or might not be a great Person, HSN might consider her a good host – I don’t know. But as a customer and consumer, I Do know that Shannon is a Terrible host/salesperson. Just terrible
Sure, the host job is a demanding job. But it is like most jobs in that it becomes easy as you do it. There are many good hosts at all of the channels. Most are great in different ways. Suzanne is different from Callie and Callie is very different from Adam etc. .. Of course none are perfect but they are all good hosts. And then there is Shannon. Shannon is by far, the worst that I’ve seen.
Happy Birthday and LEAVE THE GREEN BOXES HOME !! You shouldn’t be packing up ,and bragging on camera, about how you’re taking the food home with you. Its difficult to watch, in fact I don’t any longer.
Dear Shannon,
I love you, you are fun and enthusiastic, humorous, you are always cracking those self-deprecating jokes, you always try to relate to people, you have a good and humble heart, and you don’t say anything beyond what many other host’s are saying themselves in order to do their job. And you do a great job Shannon! I always buy a lot of things from you and you do not over state, I always get exactly what you describe in that excited, enthused and passionate way that you do so well. Because that is your way. It is genuine for you!
All I can say thegink???
Is that while you’re thinking Shannon to be the most annoying host??
Shannon is laughing all the way to her ‘annoying’ bank.
She obviously pulls in an enormous amount of revenue for HSN…even WITH your complaints. If you don’t like her…DON’T LISTEN! Funny thing about this country is that…you have the freedom to either listen…or to NOT listen.
If you feel that strongly…I’m sure HSN has a way for you to pass on your complaints PRIVATELY ‘to’ Shannon as CONSTRUCTIVE criticism…instead of PUBLICLY insulting her simply because you personally find her annoying.
For some reason though, I don’t think you’d likely do that…because…It’s so much safer, and so easily emboldens one to negatively post…ANONYMOUSLY….doesn’t it???
I agree, I have washed mine, inside out, with drops of Woolite, and they look worn out! I’m very disappointed in the jeans, they should take them back. Also, what’s with those tiny pockets, that don’t have enough jean materials to cover them when wearing. I love the fit, but they’ve lost me as a customer. Even my denim jeans have barely enough material to cover the front pocket openings.
Do people on here watch HSN 24/7?. It is not a soap opera or a mini series starring Shannon as a character from Dynasty. Change the channel. Go to the website, browse the items, view the reviews, surf the net for similar or same items and comparison shop. I just think people like to complain about anything and everything. The same comments about Shannon are repeated over and over again. She obviously is doing something right because she is still on HSN.
I agree. I turn her off and she is always stating we will never do this again or this is the lowest price is usually not true. I have switched to EVINE Live for my electronics. They dont push and spend just as much time or more on a computer or TV.
WOW ?? Toffdude!! Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds!
Oh no, not again Shannon is a people pleaser, and this is way too many comments in the Negative. Rock On Shannon, Let’s GIVE THEM SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT!! :heart: Why or what is she doing to you?? Don’t like her, the show, mute, turn it off, or go put some good music on and Dance, take your dance into the snow, with Joan Boyces lovely blue slippers, glide, smile :womanhappy: yes, see that… it’s a ROSE Growing in the Snow, It’s amazing what blooms in the coldest weather or withers in the perfect weather.
It’s what you want to be there, someone’s Angel brought up that Rose To Be Embraced, look how it shines, it’s amazing. Takes My Breath Away…. :heart:
Let’s borrow Shannon’s shoes for one day, and walk in them, She’s the one in the Beautiful Red Glass Slippers, they are a very tough shoe to walk in, let alone dance in the Snow with Them, She Amazes Me, I could never walk a day in her Lovely Glass Slippers…….
Most could not, and I doubt they will care about that one Stunning Rose In The Snow, and The Angel Right Beside It, the Angel Lifts Shannon off her feet, she needs a bit of a break.
Let’s all go find our Angel and Dance With Her, Let’s See How Many Find Their Angel … Look Deep In Your Heart :heart: It’s such a Lovely Day … May we all find Love and Happiness in this World:heart:
I don’t think this thread is about hating Shannon. It’s about people who love HSN and shopping with the ease of TV are truly and honestly annoyed. There’s much to be said about hundreds of posts from good people saying pretty much the same thing. Nothing is "freeee" and the anxious buy it now or it’s going to be gone are two ways to mock the viewers because it’s not true. I simply wonder why her co workers don’t say anything about the things she says. I bought it before the show and I just am buying it now on my tablet. I doubt very much she has everything so its a selling scam. I don’t care about her laughing and uncontrollable hysteria. I just want to see the item as she often presents at midnight. There’s something to be said about so many people feeling offended and turned off.
I don’t agree! I like Shannon! Remember it is the various hosts job to SELL an item! It is YOUR choice to buy or not! As for small mistakes (I don’t think they try to lie) I’ve seen them ALL make what I call bloopers! After viewing on TV I’ll often go online to do more research. It must get confusing to jump from item to item like these hosts do every day. Have a GREAT year Shannon!
Shannon Smith takes more abuse than ANY other host…for just doing her job.
It’s sad.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
116 Replies
05.10.15 11:14 PM
0 Participants