On air and show suggestions
Post your ideas for On Air and TV Show suggestions here:
PLEASE STOP SAYING and change………….GIVE THE PRICE! Ever think of the sight challenged….give the item number up front and the full price.
Please start diversifying and/or expanding the offerings in your electronic shows. It really gets stale seeing the same 3 or 4 products over and over again every time you have electronics and home office shows. If your buyers need help figuring out what to add to the offerings tell them to pay a visit to electronic and computer stores online as well as brick and mortars. Here are some suggestions as well: Ebooks Reader Devices, MultiMedia Players, Unlocked Smart Phones, HP Printers, an Ipod Touch would be nice too =d> . Stop the staleness! Be daring and exciting! Start offering cutting edge technologies! Thanks.
Can-the-phone-calls. No-one-wants-to-hear-them.=d> :d/ =8> =d> :d/
please in the fashions no-more pockets…..=d> :d/ ](*,)
1)Keep showing the plus size models 2)Don’t let hosts talk over vendors. I love the product info the vendor gives!
3)In clothing, show the models quicker!
Agree! Plus…
1.Give full price, not just 1 flex pay cost ” to get this home”
2.Have Chef Todd give his presentations WITHOUT Joy – her voice and interruptions are such a turn off.
3 Free s/h all day after 1st full price s/h or 1 s/h no matter what you buy – ShopNBC/Overstock.com are good examples of better shipping models. Why do you want to make profit on s/h when its hard enough just to make the product sales???Thanks for reading!
Show fashions, etc. on more middle aged and plus sized models so the viewing audience can identify more with how things translate to and older person or a plus size. Many returns are most likely due to the fact that you are constantly using all young, slim models who do not give a realistic view for a lot of the audience. Please give this consideration as HSN use to have a larger age and weight range and then stopped it. Thank you. I so agree with you. With the millions of Baby-Boomers that there are and many of them watch and try to purchase clothing from HSN one would think they would use some purchasing strategies geared toward our crowd.
Show fashions, etc. on more middle aged and plus sized models so the viewing audience can identify more with how things translate to and older person or a plus size. Many returns are most likely due to the fact that you are constantly using all young, slim models who do not give a realistic view for a lot of the audience. Please give this consideration as HSN use to have a larger age and weight range and then stopped it. Thank you.
Do not have plus size models. I know this is the politically correct thing right now, but they do not represent real people and frankly the clothing doesn’t look that great on them. Do not support the fastest rising health crisis in the U.S. today – obesity. Thank you. I think you are absolutely wrong here. The average woman in the US wears a size 14 (and that’s not even that big anymore)!! If the clothes are offered in the plus sizes, then women who might buy them have a right to see how they would look. Have you looked around lately? There are a lot of larger women out there. Not everyone can be a size 2!! Are you saying that larger women should run around without any clothes just because they are bigger than you are? If you don’t like watching them, then you can always change the channel. [-x
Get rid of the crazy christmas neurotic music you play though out the day and on each show- UGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
Please tell Joy to sto talking when she is in the kitchen with Todd English. Let the guy speak!!! She keeps interupting him!
Hi Tady! 🙂
Nice to see you again! About the hi-def…you’re right, some things might look better but then some not so much…LOL! So our spending can go either way, don’t you think?
I was at Walgreens the other day and I saw the candles on sale, too. I was relieved to see them back. I thought they were going to be discontinued last year and consequently I bought a gazillion of them when they went on sale for like 3 for 7.99 or some such amount. Needless to say I am good to go for a while…LOL! My fav is the oatmeal, too!
BBethteB, I agree. Although…if items look better on HD, will we want to spend more?? LOL!! By the way, I noticed that Walgreens is selling those Kathy Ireland candles in the shaker jar again, 2 for $10.00. I love my oatmeal raisin cookie.
Please B R O A D C A S T—I N—H I G H—D E F I N I T I O N !!
1)Keep showing the plus size models
2)Don’t let hosts talk over vendors. I love the product info the vendor gives!
3)In clothing, show the models quicker!
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
208 Replies
12.13.16 11:16 AM
0 Participants