Monday Night Show Asks: What’s your family’s favorite holiday decoration?
What’s your family’s favorite holiday decoration? Share it below and tune in November 17 at 7PM for the Monday Night Show with Adam Freeman to see if your story gets shared on air or picked to win a $25 gift card to HSN.
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a little wooden manger. i take so much joy in making sure the placement on the tree is perfect with the lights hitting it just right.
My ultra sound picture of our daughter . I found out my mom was dying of colon cancer and my pregnancy on the same day . I think God gave me my daughter to heal my pain . I never imagine giving birth in my 40’s . My favorite hoilday decoration that will last a lifetime . :heart:
My mentor growing up gave me a reath from a Disney set. I gave it to my mom one Christmas and it is now the only reath we use! :smileyvery-happy: I love it because it represents all the hard work I put in my career and amazing relationships I’ve been blessed to create.
:heart:The amazement of my 2 furbabies eyes glistening at blinking decoration. It’s heartfelt 🙂
?•? I have my a lot of my Parents beautiful memories within those lights, Mom, made so many stunning in ceramics, handmade by My BFF, My Angel….
My favorite decoration is a huge wall hanging of a partridge in a pear tree that my grandma made. The first one was made for my mom and she hung it on a living room wall every year. I made sure that this tradition was kept up after she passed away, I was only 4 at that time. My grandma made me my own, as well as a tree skirt, and gave them both to me as Christmas presents the year before she passed away. I found the orig. wall hanging while cleaning out the family home and have packed it away for my son. Now for the description, although nothing I can say can really prepare a person for seeing it in person. We start with a piece of bright blue burlap that is about 4 foot by 6 foot. Then, sewn and glued onto this are pieces of felt in the shape of a brown tree trunk, green leaves and yellow pears. The pears have large sequins on them for that needed accent. Then comes the partridge who is perched in the tree. He is also made of brightly colored felt, with a purple, green, and blue yarn scrolled tail. Mr. partridge also has some giant sequins on him for hilights. The bottom of the wall hanging has big tufts of yarn in multiple colors. Lastly, there is a light dusting of snow flakes on the blue burlap background. Large, white, plastic snow flakes that have a slight pearlessence hue to them. Needless to say, most who see it think it is the most guady thing they have ever laid eyes upon. I think it is beautiful and it’s the first decoration to up each year and the last one to be taken down.
The house & yard in the neighborhood that is covered with thousands of Christmas lights, inflated toys and ornaments that make people line up in their cars to slowly drive by just to take a look at how amazingly beautiful it…you know the one that probably has a power bill that goes up about $300 during the holiday season. I am always in awe when I see it.
The fake cardboard fireplace from the late sixties. We were poor growing up and mom always wanted a real fireplace. Instead she bought one of those cardboard fireplaces and every year she would put it up and hang our stockings on it at Christmas time. The fireplace even has a spinning light that is supposed to be fire. It is rather worn by now but this is a must have to put up at Christmas time. Most of our Christmas pictures growing up centered around this fireplace.
A baby Jesus that was give to me many years ago by my great grandfather.
Had it not been for Baby Jesus my home would have no meaning and the Christmas tree would be just a tree.
Oh dear, I mean OUR house… not ‘out’ house. LOL
White twinkle lights!!!
A miniature Christmas "tree" handmade by my mother.
It had white lace and tiny glass balls. It was the most beautiful Christmas decoration in the world to me. It had to be put together every year and I was so happy the year my mother decided I was old enough to put it together. I was young enough I still believed in Santa Claus. I never saw one exactly like ours although I think Mama got the idea from a magazine. I thought it would help Santa find out house!
The Christmas tree.
A picture of Jesus Christ atop our tree… Christmas just wouldn’t be the same without us holding Him so dear in our hearts, and Him so sweetly blessing us.
My favorite Christmas decoration is a 2 foot tall cardboard Santa. He must have been bought in 1948 and I remember sitting in front of the fireplace and gazing at him for hours. Over the years he was always displayed during the holidays and I have him to this day. Some years ago my mother was going to toss him out. He was old and tattered and a little dirty from all those years of dust but I pleaded NO! Mom said "oh I only paid 10 cents for him, let’s toss it." No I demanded. One Sunday afternoon Mom and I lovingly taped and reinforced and cared for this fragile Santa….And now I can say he proudly stands in a place of honor under my tree. Years has passed and Mom is no longer with me but that Sunday afternoon with her spent repairing this Santa has made him all the more valuable to me.
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10.11.16 12:44 PM
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