Monday Night Show Asks: What’s your family’s favorite holiday decoration?
What’s your family’s favorite holiday decoration? Share it below and tune in November 17 at 7PM for the Monday Night Show with Adam Freeman to see if your story gets shared on air or picked to win a $25 gift card to HSN.
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I would have to say the manger. When the children were young, we would go to midnight mass.When we returned home, one of them would put the baby Jesus in his little bed and smile and say "It’s Christmas!". It was a tradition that lasted decades. Now my sons are grown and live far away, but inevitably, every Christmas Eve I get a call from one of them asking me if I had put baby Jesus in the bed yet.
Favorite Decorations are from the smiles and tears of all my family and friends being together again.
My fav. decoration is an ornament my mom made when she was younger. It is a small 2 inch felt horse head (white) with a blue mane and a couple sequins (one for the eye) and the others for the "harness". The most simplest things are the ones that can make anyone happy and create new memories (with my children).
My family’s favorite holiday decoration is the "Engraved Polished Brass" ornament that is inscribed with the birth year of my son. We treasure this year after year and hang it on our tree – that is a "Blessing" to me.
Poinsetta place mats I crocheted for the family members
My favorite Christmas decoration ia a pair of plush Mr. and Mrs. Snowman. I bought them for my daughter, Terri in 1961 when she was 7 months old. We put them on the couch every year. Terri passed away in 2006. I don’t put up a tree anymore, but I do put Mr. and Mrs. Snowman out every year. It brings back pleasant Christmas memories with Terri.
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I am admittedly something of a female Clark Griswold and posess an almost unimaginable number of Christmas decorations – both old and new. And while some of the oldest and most bedraggled hold the greatet emotional value for me, a couple of my (slightly) more recent additions top my all-time favorites list for their sheer joy and giggle factor.
1) My Lenox Snoopy Cookie Jar :heart:
2) My Steinbach Thomas Jefferson Nutcracker purchased many years ago right here at HSN! (Admit it, he’d make you chuckle too!) :womanvery-happy:
When I was younger, we always had a small artificial tree. It was charming in its own way, but as a kid, I always longed for a real tree. Every year I would ask, but we just couldn’t afford it. One Christmas Eve, my younger brother snuck out in the middle of a snow storm. While my parents were upset, trying to figure out where to look for him, the front door flung open. In came my brother, covered in snow, with a beautiful, REAL Christmas tree that he got for free because it never sold. Here he snuck out, walked a very long distance, than dragged this tree all the way home in a snow storm, just so I could have a real tree for Christmas. Though my parents were ready to be angry at him for sneaking out, when they realized why he did it, they could hardly stay mad. I was estatic to have a beautiful tree and even more touched by what my brother did just for me. That will always be remembered as my favorite Christmas decoration.
Every year our family purchase a new item for our Christmas Village. It has become quite the little city. We have a lighthouse, church, a boat with Christmas lights around strung around the deck, lots of different trees, snow, a Christmas tackle shop, a windmill, lots of various stores, all decorated with beautiful colorful lights in the windows. We have been building our Christmas Village for the past fifteen years and every year we shop the stores looking for our new addition to our Christmas Village. The scene changes a little every year with each new addition. It’s fun finding all the stores when it’s all put together. And when we turn out all the lights, it ‘s very comforting to see our beautiful Christmas Village with all the decorations and village stores with all their lights on.
My cookies!! Bright eye susan, pecan sandies, butter cookies, snicker doodles and the list goes on. For some reason, these holiday decorations have to be replenished at least every other day. I think, i have an idea who is to blame. Cookie anyone?
Our favorite Christmas decorations are handmade straw ornaments that my husband and I picked up while travelling at Christmas time to Krakow, Poland! They are handmade snowflakes and angels that remind us of the Polish Christmas market place which was so old world and brings back all the wonderful memories of our trip. We call it our Polish tree, even though we are not Polish, we always feel a warmth and happy connection to Poland.
I actually have 3 favorites. They are the ornaments my chidren made in kindergarten. One is a little snowman cut out of cardstock with cottonball snow glued on and peppercorn "coal" eyes. Another is a little Christmas tree that is green construction paper glued onto card stock. It has glitter ornaments and an aluminum foil star. The third is the little reindeer made out of a painted clothespin (the old fashion 1 piece kind). I always hang these up proudly on the front side of the tree.
My Christmas tree which is decorated with over 200 nativity scenes and angels I have collected over the years. It always reminds me of the real meaning of Christmas.
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Posted in HSN TV
77 Replies
10.11.16 12:44 PM
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