Monday Night Show Asks: If you could invent a toy, what would it be?
If you could invent a toy, what would it be? Share your answer with Entrepreneurs Debbie Sterling and Daymond John below and tune in December 15 at 7PM for the Monday Night Show with Adam Freeman to see if your story gets shared on air or picked to win a $25 gift card to HSN.
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Adam , Debbie & Daymond I would have created Virtual MINI ROOM where 7 TO 13 year olds could step into and communicate with children and teens around the world- A room with views into every corner of our World showing how each child lives and allow communication. Communication will serve these children well in the near future. We have lacked it as adults for too long-
It would atleast secure the future of communication and yet allow those far and away to speak and somehow show those here just how well they have it and to be greatful.
A Tax payer Barbie complete with forms – something like a magnetic board or a Lego type affair and you pin the right elements where they are supposed to go based on probably a little tamagochi-like toy telling you what the income and everything else is. If everything is filled correctly, there is something nice happening. If incorrectly, her arms automatically get shackled up around her back and words BAD BARBIE show up as if tattooed acriss her face or whatever.
Autopsy Barbie kit. You open her up, remove all the plastic organs and put them back in the right order.
anything with a remote control. happy holidays!! xoxo.
Anything that puts itself back in the toy box when play time is over. (An auto-mend feature would be nice as well. Many animals re-grow parts when one breaks off. Why not toys?) Oh! And one that doesn’t have a newer, slicker, better version available the same day as the old, no longer desirable model arrives in the post. :womanwink:
Anything that has to do with FROZEN that has a button to change the attitude of my 4 yr old daughter! It would make a great disguise.
A toy that goes around and picks up all of the other toys when kids make a mess. Cleaning up can be fun! 🙂
A doll that grows with the child, that way it can walk them to school, help with homework, like a helper that you don’t have to pay or claim on your income tax.
Oh, and they live off of hugs so you don’t have to feed.
I would invent an invisibility toy. That way whenever someone wanted to hide from, say, taking the trash out for her spouse, she could cloak herself in invisibility and her husband would have to take the trash out himself. By the way, I am hypothetically speaking here. My husband always takes out the trash and he’ll be the first one to tell you that. But I know the real truth and thus the need for an invisibility toy. *wink* *wink*
A Full Grown MAID !!! I would love to come home from work and have my house clean EVERYDAY! Seems like my18 year old daughter and husband think I’m the ONLY person able to clean…….Yep a MAID TOY…
IHmmmmm … I’m thinking more along the lines of a toy-box/storage-system rather than an individual toy …. one that, in order to get another toy OUT, you must first return the previous toy INTO it. Win-win situation … a learning tool for the child and alleviates stress and work on the parents.
I would invent a simple way to creat pop up cards, boxes and books. Thanks!!
I have some other ideas, but they would have to bid for them! lol
I would love to invent a dog toy that when they chew on it, it actually brushes their teeth with toothpaste. Not like those dog bones that barely cleans their teeth,i’m talking about a complete toothbrush but in a way a dog would enjoy it.( maybe like a mouth Guard)
A toy to remove wallpaper. I’m stick stuck in the 80’s. I guess if I wait long enough it will be back in style.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
96 Replies
02.04.17 12:58 AM
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