If you sailed the ocean blue, what would be your ship’s name?
If you sailed the ocean blue, what would be your ship’s name? Add your story and tune for The Monday Night Show October 10 to see if your story gets shared on air or picked to win a $25 gift card to HSN!
In memory of my mom, my ship would be the “Batty Boo”. My mother’s name was Betty. She had a friend with a very thick German accent who would pronounce it “Batty”. One day someone jokingly called my mother Betty Boop. Her friend said, “Why are you calling her Batty Boo?”. It was so funny that for years, until she passed away, I called my mom Batty Boo.
Should name it POOFING POSTS! So here we type again!
I would name my ship STAR TREK UNICORN because I love both. Both are mystical and fantasy (although so much of Star Trek has become reality!)
And along with others here I will be taking that Dramamine too!
Hello Adam, I would name my Boat…. “Living To Sparkle”!
I already have my ship, well it’s not exactly a ship, it’s a ski boat and I named it “Memory Maker”. I lost count on how many people have learned to ski behind my boat, how many hours of pulling tubers and wake boards. This year alone, more memories were added to the list of memories as on separate adventures we took 5 people on the first boat ride of their lives.
Memory Maker has lived up to her name by making so many people’s ambitions come true or just having so much fun in or behind our little (ship).
? dear adam, always true to my norwegian heritage, my “viking” ship is My Saga Blue :heart: nik
Dreamer’s Paradise!
What else could it possibly be but the—> Maiden Faire
The SS Shopaholic comes to mind. I enjoy shopping whether at HSN or at every port of call. You never know what finds are out there. Maybe I’ll bump into the “King” of travelers (Jay King of course).
Life is a little like sailing the ocean blue. There is always a new day coming with new challenges and adventures. I’d call my ship Another Chapter.
“Princess Puker”..Need I say more???
Frankly you could never get me on another ship again..Tried it more than once(big and smaller vessels)..Took a week to get back to normal !..
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..Way..no how!!!!
of the
I like the easy to wear Top that can be worn out, or tucked in.
Also my name is Nanette, I live in the North. MN
WHY KNOT? :womanvery-happy:
The H.S.N Fun Ship
All Aboard for around the world Shopping, Fun and Flex-play
My ship’s name would be, “Floating Ruby”
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
81 Replies
12.04.16 5:52 AM
0 Participants