If you got to pick an age to stay forever, what would it be and why?
If you got to pick an age to stay forever, what would it be and why? Add your story and tune for the The Monday Night Show July 12 to see if your story gets shared on air or picked to win a $25 gift card to HSN!
Hmmm, I’ve never tried the pillows but think it’s wonderful that you are happy with them…it can’t be comfortable having all that hardware in your neck….
I love the hangers too!!! I have them in every closet and gave them to my daughter for her house too. I did have two break recently but considering I’ve had them forever I’m not getting too worked up about it.
HI SNOW…..:womanhappy: AMEN TO THAT!!!! I used to laugh (to myself) whenever I walked through metal detectors and was asked if I had any metal in my body-never really understood the question—–NOOOOOW I DO! LOL LOL LOL The pillows :heart: DO HELP ME SLEEP! But I read LOTSA negative reviews-either LOVE OR HATE! LOVE LOVE THE POSITIVE ATTITUDE YOU HAVE TOWARDS THE ‘BROKEN’ HANGERS! I too, refurbished my mom’s ENTIRE CLOSET w/all Joy ‘hangers/closet’ organizers. They share the same initials and she thought I had them monogrammed just for her—I let her believe it too! ….for about 5 min’s lol lol lol :womanwink:
Seriously, I have JM’s lil vacuum & I adore the thing, keep it in my office. Sucks like a Hoover. This is a good lil machine. Sounds like a jet engine when it first starts up…..I would recommend it.
Either 25 or 30. Good years for most things.
I would choose the age of 40. At you are old enough to know better and old enough to not care. Also financially able to buy more on HSN.
Thirty-Five! We were at at a good place financially living all over the world and had young children. It was the perfect time.
I would pick 50. A great deal of the best had happened, most of the worst was over, and the second half of my life was just beginning. Did I mention my first grandchild had been born?
I would choose 35. I had 4 children, single parent, and worked full time. Life was sooo busy with the kids sports, homework, housework and all the rest. But the kids and I also went camping all over the country and to my partents cottage on the water. My life was never so busy but being that busy gave me more energy than I have ever had in my life. After all the kids grew up life just became a normal life and my energy level also dimminished. Those were both the best of times and the healthiest of times!!! Citing someone very close to me “old age is not for sissy’s”, getting older doesn’t make you smarter – it just makes you old.
I haven’t reached my best year yet, so I’ll have to get back to ya on that. 😉
I would pick 30 because that is when I found the love of my life that made my life complete:)
Now days at 60+ my health is not too good:)
I loss on 2-5-15 the love of my life I love you Harold you are the best man I had ever known and miss you and on 6-26-16 I loss the best Dad in the world I love you Dad and you are truly missed:)
Thank you for asking and May God Bless:)
Happy 39 Birthday HSN:)
Best of everything for everybody:)
ALIVE age has nothing to do with it lol
39!! I love that age. At 39, I was living the “Vida Loca.” I had the most energy, the best job, many friends, good health, lived by the Atlantic Ocean with great seafood and Italian restaurants!
Then I turned 40 and we had to move to the frozen tundra known as North Dakota. I lost my job, had major surgery, needed glasses and lost a lot of hair. Also, the only Italian place in our town was Pizza Hut!
21 Forever:heart: I was beautiful still is and most of all healthy.:smileyhappy:Simple no worries.
While I do love Kemi’s reply and agree, I’ll take 30 for the ever shallow reason that I was at my thinnest, and all was pretty good.
if i could pick an age to stay forever it would be to be a newborn again. why? because life is always good in a bassinet. people shower you with love and attention. they bring you lots of gifts. AND, we end up spending the rest of our lives actively trying to get back into that bassinet. gotta love it!!!
oh, sigh.. xoxo
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
73 Replies
01.05.16 11:01 PM
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