I even wished on a star….
As a little girl I always wanted a set of Cabbage Patch twins. One year my aunt brought them and told me they were for me but I had to leave them in the box at her house. To this day they are still sitting in the box on a shelf in one of her closets. Btw, I’m 30 now.
Would you want them now to collect ? If so just ask your aunt for them and if she says no then call BRIARCLIFF ..Something sounds wrong somewhere,
Hi Kemiqueen, here’s what I found.:smileyhappy:
Monday, September 12-2016… This is all hooey. And, I’m quite surprised, tho I shouldn’t be, that the scientific community, (who has ALWAYS and EVER criticized Zodiacal Astrology), is now poking their nose into matters they have absolutely NO expertise in. It’s right up there with relegating Pluto a non-Planet! *lol*
Ophiuchus IS NOT an Astrological/Zodiacal Sign… it’s a Constellation. And, while Astrology has always been aware of Ophiuchus, it has no place, and holds no sway, in Astrological considerations. It’s just one more ploy, (by the scientific community), to denegrate Astrology by adding Ophiuchus; thus attempting to relegate 6,000-years of Astrological knowledge, calculation, and wisdom to the rubbish-bin. Shame on them!
In response to Pookie’s insert below, I would like to point out that ‘Horoscopes’, as found in Newspapers and Magazines, are completely bogus. Why? Because changes in one’s life/fortune are based on the Moon’s cycle, not the Sun’s, (the now Transiting Moon. and one’s Progressed Moon, as applied to one’s Birth Chart and Progressed Birth Chart).
So… why do some Astrologers write such hooey for these Newspapers and Magazines? To make a buck, of course. These periodicals want, and pay for, Sun-Sign astrology… whether it’s true and efficacious or not. I don’t think it needs to be said, but I will say it anyway—> NONE of these so-called astrologers, who write for these periodicals, are held in any esteem by the Astrological community.
I agree, its a bunch of rubbish. ? don’t worry you still a Pisces:womanvery-happy:
I have never felt like my sign fit me .Maybe 15% describes me.So I don’t pay it much attention..I do pay attention to Mercury Retrograde,etc because I plan for those events.
Wait, wait, wait a minute!!!!! Is this really true? Oh please tell me this is a hoax or mix up of some kind……….:womansurprised:
What the heck is Ophiuchus? I’m still a Leo no matter what NASA says!! :smileyfrustrated: Grrrrr
Thank you FaireMaiden. That is one new trick that this old dog would not be willing to learn!
Kemiqueen, this is interesting. Everything changes over time so I wondered about the Signs and if they have changed. I have to admit to being completely ignorant on the subject and appreciate FaireMaiden responses.
Thank you FM.
Another fake internet/email story.
NASA (scientist) has always claimed they don’t even believe in astrology but rather believe in astronomy . I’m not buying it . It’s based on the placement of the planets at time of your birth. Time by Geenwith Mean time . I look this up is it ” blew my mind”. it says that the Western world has always use tropical zodiac, the seasonal based Astrology has not changed and was never oriented to the constellations . People who believe in the sidereal has Changed. The hubbub started with Sundays Tribune article saying Babylonians based zodiac signs on the constellations the sun was in on the day of person was born . There is a new one called 0phiuchus. And tropical zodiac, the start of Aries is fixed in one equinox, and libra the other . Seasonal based astrology has not changed and was never oriented to the constellations . From a flower child in the 60s and 70s !!!! Lol
Sweet KemiQueen. – Not completely true i!! NASA (scientist) has always claimed they don’t even believe in astrology but rather believe in astronomy . I’m not buying it . It’s based on the placement of the planets at time of your birth. Time by Geenwith Mean time . I look this up is it ” blew my mind”. it says that the Western world has always use tropical zodiac, the seasonal based Astrology has not changed and was never oriented to the constellations . People who believe in the sidereal (constellation) has Changed. The hubbub started with Sundays Tribune article saying Babylonians based zodiac signs where the constellations placement of the sun was on the day a person was born . There is a new one called 0phiuchus. However, The tropical zodiac, the start of Aries is fixed in one equinox, and libra the other . Seasonal based astrology has not changed and was never oriented to the constellations . From a flower child in the 60s and 70s !!!! Lol
This better not be true:womanlol: I am a true LEO!
This will really P….me Off!:womansurprised:
Faire where are you?:womanlol::womanhappy:
AH, it’s all good. I am fine I am still a true LEO!
You had me worried for a moment. I am fine now.:smileyhappy:
Thanks for the info Faire:heart:
It’s a false rumor, no worries.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
18 Replies
09.13.16 1:56 PM
0 Participants