HSN– Thank you for reinstating the ‘WATCH’ LINK!
Friday, August 19-2016… A week or so ago, (when all the changes to the site took place), I complained, rather emphatically, about the WATCH link being thrown over for the RECENTLY AIRED link; thus having to click on two links to get to watch what was currently being aired.
Tonight, I see that the WATCH link is back up, AND, with a FABULOUS Drop-Down Menu. featuring Items Recently Aired, Program Guide, HSN Live, and HSN2 Live. Now, this is a great improvement to the site, and I can’t thank you enough for this, HSN. Life on the site just got blissfully easier!!! I’m watching Wolfie as we speak, *lol*.
It is quite bewildering. She is on a Major campaign to identify herself as an Inventor, even though she has not invented Anything of which I’m aware. She owns patents and just perhaps, she is officially listed as an inventor or co- inventor of some patents?
Joy owns patents, she designs, re-designs and copies. All of that is somewhat different from inventing. Yet, she is ‘The inventor of our century’. – Ingenious!
You can find just about any scent of wax (called tarts) on Etsy. Check the reviews to find out who has the best throw and stronger scents. I’ve thought about getting a Scentsy, what I have is a mini crockpot looking warmer. I really love my Wallflowers though. Everyone who comes in my home comments on how good it smells. They are easy to use, just put the bulb in and change it when needed. I stock up on them when they’re on sale for $3-$4, and during the Semi-Annual sales.
FaireMaiden agree with you totally. I was just saying the same thing to myself, yeaaa it’s back. It makes a big difference, seriously I don’t scroll down to view things, give me what’s right in front of my face and I’m happy.
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Posted in HSN TV
4 Replies
02.29.16 9:01 AM
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