I love the samples! Keep them coming!
? oh, i am so sorry that your family has had this sorrow!!!:catsad: you take care. i wish you love and peace. you are wonderful and your community is with you!!!! i hope something good happens for you!!!!! :heart: :heart:
Nikkitty, thank you for your thoughts and respond. Your sweet. It is good to be chatting again. Been helping relatives in Louisiana flood. Sad! Depressing! :womansad: Seems everytime I watch the World news there is devastation every where. We all need to be GRATEFUL FOR EVERYTHING WE HAVE IN OUR LIVES DAILY! It can be taken away in a blink of a moment! God Bless you all!
? ? oh that’s right! i forgot about the laundry fragrance beads. those are strong. i can see how people can be sensitive to those coming in the packages without warning. that could be a problem for some people. :heart:
I love getting the samples. I just might start keeping breakfast bars on hand because I got to try them. Thanks HSN!
I like the free samples, I got like 10 of the laundry pods (10 loads of laundry where I don’t pay for the detergent is a great deal in my book) (I had a lot of different orders over a short period when I got these). Most of these also had the fragrance booster beads with them as well, what a deal!
I have also received 2 of the quaker breakfast flats. Those are yummy and nice to keep in my purse in case I am out and need a quick pick me up.
Thanks HSN, keep them coming to me as, as I like them. 🙂
? hi!!!! i haven’t seen you for a while!!! :catvery-happy: yes, we have been getting samples, now and then. sometimes it’s a sample from the same line that is ordered, but often it’s something else. don’t feel too left out. it’s not all of the time and it’s sort of cyclical. maybe it depends on what is ordered. oh, and there is advertising, and we have been getting a card with a code for a discount on wine, but you have to spend $60.00. maybe, just maybe, because we’re talking about it, it will happen more!! :heart: :heart: i hope you get something wonderful, or that you can use.
as you can see, most of us still want samples that we can’t use because we can give it to someone who can use it, like the tide and gain laundry pods…very nice! :heart: nik
Hello everyone! I feel left out or felt a little in the Twight Zone….lol…. reading this thread. What samples????? Where????
When?????? haha!!!!!!!!! I have never received any samples in a package :smileytongue: Do ya’ll mean when you place an order and the box (item(s) purchased) that comes to the house? I WOULD LOVE TO RECEIVE SAMPLES! LOVE, LOVE SAMPLES. Their fun to get and use. Anyhoo——-I’m a little lost!
? hi, dynac, i was just making a little joke about ‘whining” and “wine.” i just got the card, too. no real sample. did you get any bars? (:catwink:no joke this time) they are really yummy! i hope you get some of those. :catvery-happy:
Ditto, love the breakfast bars and other free samples. Keep them coming!
I like it! Got a little “cranberry breakfast bar” last week. Nice treat!:womanvery-happy:
Don’t stop the samples . I love to eat the breakfast bars! They are delicious With my coffee in the morning. The soap pods save me money. Also loved the magazines. Plus they give you a fantastic deal on ordering more if you like. Thank goodness everyone has their own opinion but you are not speaking for me when you say stop putting them in .
please keep the samples coming.
It’s all fine and good what Kyle the manager stated but how about being fair and remove the “overly negative” and “personal attack” post instead of or in addition to the responding post. Why only remove the response?
This community forum is not Tweeter, Facebook or YouTube which is why I like reading and posting here. It is fun but HSN should be fair.
Thank you HSN_Kyle for the reminder. I think this thread proves how some shoppers like free samples, while others want to opt out. Just like magazine subscriptions with the TS, some refuse to buy a TS when a subscription is attached and some like the magazine subscription. Just because there is a difference of opinion, all opinions are valid and we should be tolerant of those we don’t agree with in a respectful, community spirited manner. After seeing this thread, maybe HSN will take notice and discuss the possibility of an opt out option in our account preferences. Happy Friday Everyone :smileyhappy:
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
29 Replies
08.22.16 12:50 AM
0 Participants