Happy Birth Day!
Happy Birth Day HSN
, I agree that what you’ve been through is not a great experience. I went to your account to check the order and I was not able to locate an order for a Samsung tv. If you have the order #, please Private Message me (don’t post it publicly) and I’ll be very glad to check further. Private Message is located by opening the envelope icon located in the upper right of this page.
update: just HSN was told that trucking company has been calling me, haha no they havent so I called DDC logistics how has my sound bar, they cant go off of the HSN number or my address or anything they told me to call SIVA who handed off the frieght to them. love all this by the way im doing HSN customer services job””” OK stay with me here, call SIVA lady was very nice and help full, she gets all my info and says im so sorry I see from the notes you have been dealing with this for awhile, I will call DDC for you and put me on hold. thats customer service. so she gets back on the phone with me and tells me DDC can not locate this item, yet they have called to set up delivery so ive been told RIGHT. NOW there going to review manifest to see who has this item. HELLO HSN ARE YOU LISTENING. YOU HAVE MY MONEY I WANT MY PRODUCT OR COME GET THIS TV AND REFUND MY MONEY, THIS HAVE BEEN GOING ON FOR A MONTH.
Just so the people viewing this know, I did message my order number to Candace. im not on here making this all up to get views or anything like that, this is all real and happening. im sure most of the time these transactions go smooth, but in my case this has been a deal break between HSN and myself. with as much freight and small packages HSN sends out, wouldnt you think to use companies like FED-EX or UPS, not the lowest bidder. Im one customer and losing my business will not hurt you in any way im not dumb, but if you keep up this way im sure it will someday bite in in the butt.
After going through all that trouble. I would absolutely refuse and not accept this order…. under any terms. At this point…The TV is probably damaged … it will only get worse if you accept this shipment. You can find better deals locally. Sorry you are going through all this trouble … do not accept it or pay any flex payments. Contact your credit card for explanation on non receipt.
must have hit a nerve, they took down my last post.
I got a 35.00 kash thing for my troubles, but still no answers to where and who has this item. so just a warning they dont care after the transaction has been complete. total unfair to a customer, I shouldnt know more about whats going on then them, and why there making a customer do the foot work to track an item down is crazy.
It would be unfair to not follow up with my earlier post, HSN has contacted me via email and by phone. they are looking into my issue and trying to fix it. not sure if we are any closer to a resolution but there trying. This has been going on since Dec 5th so another week will not kill me to wait and see what there plan is. wish I had got on this site a month ago, stuff started happening once I posted my issue. I would really hate to pack up that big clear TV and send it back, but I still might cause I feel as if I was being pushed under the rug for a month, you can have the best products and pricing if your customer service is lacking people will not come back. I know I flip right past your channel now.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
8 Replies
01.05.17 8:46 PM
0 Participants