Diane Gilman’s hair
She could use a more attractive shorter length. Her hair makes her look so old. Older women really look better in a closer cut framing the face.
If you research hair it is more than some weird stuff to fluf on our heads different ways.
There is Nothing wrong with her hair nor with the length of her hair. I don’t particularly care for Diane, but I like her hair. It is becoming on her just as it is!
I don’t think anyone is trying to be mean here, or be a bully. Everything these days is about being ‘politically correct’ and all sorts of babble-de-**bleep** ………people are becoming ‘too ultra-sensitive’ these days – when there is/was no mean intent – intended.
Merely suggesting someone may look better with a certain hairstyle, or type of clothing, or a certain weight is just that – a suggestion. Don’t we all do this everyday with our friends, family, co-workers, etc?
And don’t we all want someone else’s hair? Or body? Or eyes? or anything??? At least the thought passes thru our minds – consciously or not?
I had never seen a Diane Gilman show before……..I looked the other day as I heard/read a lot about her jeans. Believe it or not, the first thing I noticed WAS her hair! I assumed the Florida humidity had gotten to it….(and I’m one of those people whose hair is not affected by humidity)….
as for her jeans – well there is SO MUCH spandex in them if I bought her smallest size, and bent over twice, the spandex would stretch – I’d stand up and the jeans would FALL RIGHT OFF OF ME! –
Now, I didn’t say that to upset anyone!!!! – it’s a FACT!
Now, back to the Diane Gilman hair thread topic:
I read thru this NOT thinking Diane Gilman – I was thinking Betsey Johnson! (HUH?)
yeah, where did THAT come from????
oh right – the heat and humidity affect my *brain* but not my hair! – love you ladies!
Live and let live. Her hair length is her choice. My concern about Diane is that her line isn’t as nice as it once was. My drawers are filled with her jeans and I love them. However, I am reluctant to buy anything anymore because of her sizing inconsistancies. There I said it again. Sizing is more impt. to me than the length of her hair.
So Judiwonder, Anyone you don’t agree with is a bully? Sounds like you’re the one with issues. Actually her hair is very dry, and overprocessed. A short cut would look so much more healthy and shiny.
Women with short hair think everyone should have it short
Women with long hair think everyone should have it long
I don’t think that is a fair statement to make. I’ve had long and short hair and I never thought that, nor any woman I’ve ever met.
Since I have thin straight fine hair I always envy thick, wavy hair, and that is on a woman or a man. I come from the era where boys had long hair, and I still like it, as long as it’s clean and decent looking. I also like men with short hair. I met my husband 12 yrs before we connected again. ( we married the second time around )The first time I saw him well I didn’t see him, it was his hair. Thicker than thick and wavy and it was long. I fell in love right then. *smiling/memories*. He has short hair now has had for yrs. He would look um, out of place with long hair now. But I ain’t dead yet and still notice a younger man/boy with long hair, especially if he’s adorable. Johnny Depp with long hair, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
can you post a pic of yourself so we can see the proper "look" you are talking about?
I like her hair. I think it really depends on how the long hair makes the person feel. It used to be all women had long hair and if you cut it off back in the early 1900’s you were going against society..
Women with short hair think everyone should have it short
Women with long hair think everyone should have it long
I think in the fashion world long is whats in
I don’t know who you are talking about. < I am right over there with my best friend. She is 5 yrs younger than me. And allthough the picture didn’t come out well. She has hair down to her rear. And she is beautiful to me. I’ve had the same stylist for almost 20 yrs. And she is top notch. We women have a thing about our hair. I used to have long hair to my rear also. Shera I said "do what ever you want". Never have I said that to any other hairdresser. She cut my hair off, and it took years off me. I don’t look so good anymore because of my health. Back then everybody that knew me said the same thing. My bff cut her hair off short once. I couldn’t believe how much younger she looked, corse she looks young anyway. The only reason she didn’t keep it short is her husband prefers it long. And dang her she has thick hair too. She also likes it long. If you’ve ever seen makeovers the women with long hair always look younger when they cut it. I’ve heard this forever. I saw a woman get a make over, and when they got done with her it was unbelieveable. Her husband even cried. She not only looked 10yrs younger, she was drop dead gorgeous. Some older women with long hair look frumpy. You get the right stylist, she’ll know just what to do. AND since I don’t know who your talking about, I agree with you anyway. Especilly when you stand right next to your mother and she doesn’t even recognize you. The proofs in the puddin’ .JMO & others.
I usually don’t comment on things like this, but I sort of agree with the OP. Diane wouldn’t have to cut it really short, but if she brought up the length to shoulder length or a bit shorter, I think it would take years off her appearance. I think she’s a very attractive lady and an updated style would suit her well.
Diane mentions often that she’s a hippie from way back, so that’s probably why she wants to hang onto her long hair. Regardless of her hair length, she looks great for her age, IMO.
:smileyhappy:I am 65 and I would love to have her hair!. She looks great and wears it well. her hair helps identify who she is and what she is.What kind of specialist are you to comment about a person on what they wear or how they wear it. Is sounds like you are trying to bully a person for who she is . It says a lot about you and who you are.
Why can people use this form of commment section to help us. Use it for what it is and why HSN put it here. I am sure they did not put this here for us to BULLY people.
I, for one like the comment section to find out more about what I want to purchase and ask questions aobut the products I want to purchase. Others, well they are acting like kids in kindergarden,, please grow up and act like an adult and keep those comments to yourself. and if you can’t, please say something nice about someone or dont say it at all. I will pray for you to lead this leader board in the right direction. People like you make others not want to communicate because they have to read negative comments from people. make something good out of what HSN has reached out to make this a fun and enjoyable place to shop.
I have teen grandchildren that shop on hsn when they visit me, and Comments like yours does not set right with parents and grandparents as to how they have raised their children and grandchildren to grow up right and look up to adults for guideance,, and you,, well you are not one of those people. Please everybody stop all this negatavity and grow up.
I have long hair and I am 64. I am probably living in the past. I was in my 20s and my Mom would tell me to cut those long strings. I just have always liked long hair. They had some hair extentions on two weeks ago and showed a lady using them with long silver gray hair, they looked really nice. I guess it all in what we like, I look in the mirror and see an old fat lady but I really only weigh 150 and am 5’6".Ha Ha we are our worst critic
I have to kindly disagree, I love her long hair. I think it makes her look younger. Then again she would look adorable in short hair. I have longer hair and I am over 50 so I am probably biased. LOL
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
29 Replies
09.17.16 4:56 AM
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