Batman v Superman: who would you choose and why?
Batman v Superman: who would you choose and why? Share your answer and tune for the The Monday Night Show March 28 to see if your story gets shared on air or picked to win a $25 gift card to HSN.
Batman hands down because in my opinion he is a more interesting character, also I just have never really been a big superman fan.
I find it sad that we have to choose but if I did have to choose, I would say…….a TIE.
The reason;
I was raised on Superman being a man of steel the doer of good deeds. A man that was raised as a boy with strong morals, a boy that knew being different was hard but still made time to enjoy life, a boy that grew into a man that held ALL life as precious and valuable.
These Morals and traits were instilled and taught to him by his foster family that found him on the side of the road. They always reassured him that even though he is different, he is still special and is capable of great things.
I was also raised on Batman this was a boy that grew into a man. And had overcome a great loss in his life a boy that learned early that life is not always fair, but with determination, hard work and a friend called Alfred a great many things are possible.
Now for Batman this was a man that fought the good fight against criminals to bring them to justice. Not a man that was looking for revenge but a man that was looking for justice for all. And a man that not only overcame his fears and anger for what had happen to him, but a man that helped a young boy overcome his anger and sense of loss. This boy became not only his friend but also his sidekick better known as Robin.
But to take both these Super heros that have inspired a great deal of people and to pit them against each other is sad. Has our imagination gotten so dull that we now have to take our role models of old and make them into bad guys of new??? So for this reason I say it should be a tie.
superman. i like his super hero power and his clean outfit. i’ve never been a fan of masks. sorry batman. xoxo
Wow this would be a tough choice but I would have to say Batman because he a more believable character.
Neither. I pick Thor.
Why, Batman….of course! He has much better toys!!
Batman…..He’s rich…He’s hot…He has a great car… He has Alfred the butler… What more do I need!!! Well Ok if I could chose anyone I’m with dewdrops77 and Thor would be my man!!!
Only because I have a Super..husband
and I’m Super happy my son is home from college for Easter!
:smileyvery-happy:Super excited…too!
Easy! I would choose to BE Superman, but I’d like to be friends with Batman so I could drive the bat mobile.
Batman!!! Cos he is human and a billionaire, and in the form of Christian Bale, he is definitely hot and charming. And who doesn’t love a Batmobile? I like to take that for a spin. That’s if I have to choose between those two, but if I can pick anyone, it would be Thor!!! :smileyvery-happy:
Superman for certain. I agree that one cannot go wrong with the whole truth and justice thing. I always believe in that.
One may have a bad day and need some assistance. I will take both. :womanlol: :womanwink:
Superman because he can fly.:smileyhappy:
Superman. I’ve always been a sucker for a good looking man in glasses! :womanlol:
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
66 Replies
06.07.16 8:41 AM
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