Batman v Superman: who would you choose and why?
Batman v Superman: who would you choose and why? Share your answer and tune for the The Monday Night Show March 28 to see if your story gets shared on air or picked to win a $25 gift card to HSN.
Batman – he’s darker, edgier and rich!:womanlol::heart:
BATMAN, has charism
Batman has the batmobile and lots of money and look at him
Definitely Superman! I’d never have to wait in line at an airport, because he’d take me anywhere I wanted to go. Since he’s also a "man of steel," he’d have no excuses when it comes to fixing things around the house. And, like my hubby, he’s a SUPER-MAN! :womanwink:
Sean Daly as Batman of course.:heart: Because he is the only one that can handle Catwoman!:heart:
B A T M A N is Awesome has cool rides and gadgets. Would love to hang out with him in Gotham City yaaay ! :heart:
Superman! Now tell me he’s not hot!
My answer is: Both
They are both crime fighters
Superheroes 🙂
They will join forces with one another to put the criminal behind bars for good:)
Henry Cavill as SUPERMAN!!
Let’s just say that this man is SUPER! He doesn’t have to hide his handsome face and beautiful eyes with a mask or hood. He can fly and doesn’t depend on a Bat car to get him anywhere, he works alone and doesn’t need a sidekick to help him do his job, he has a full-time job and isn’t a spoiled little RICH boy and he has great listening skills!!
What woman wouldn’t want that!!??
I would say Superman because I grew up watching George Reeves play the part on television.
Dark, Strong, Silent type by Night. Handsome, Suave, Debonair, Man About Town by Day. Not to mention a Billionaire, who could resist? Not me. Definitely Batman.
While I wouldn’t pass up a date with either one, I’d have to go with Batman. He could afford to let me retire early!
Batman. He’s got a cool car and hangs out in a cave. Not to mention bats are totally cool!
Neither..not fond of guys playing "dress-up"..
Although..Antthony..looks great in his space suit!..Just love him to pieces!!
I’d rather be Batman because black is so slimming.
Batman – As he reminds me of a pint of Guinness – talk, dark and handsome!
But I don’t like Ben Affleck as Batman, he just doesn’t cut it!
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Posted in HSN TV
66 Replies
06.07.16 8:41 AM
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