A Genie has granted you one chore you’ll never have to do again…. What would it be?
A Genie has granted you one chore you’ll never have to do again…. What would it be? Add your story and tune for the The Monday Night Show August 15 to see if your story gets shared on air or picked to win a $25 gift card to HSN!
Going on 8 legged creature hunts! I am so terrified of them, I can’t even say the word. And I can’t touch a page in a book if it has a picture of one on the back side!
I know they are good for some things, but NOT in the house!
YES it is a chore LOL.
Clean the toilet 🙂
Genie can to rescue or but yet Professor Amos:)That is a dirty job and shore:)
Good luck everyone:)
Peace and love always!
Thank you for asking, Adam:)
Not having to clean my fridge ever again, hate to clean it.
Not having to clean my home. LOL
I would have to say raking up the leaves late Fall. Raking, picking them up and bagging them, every year there’s more leaves.
Mopping! Most chores don’t bother me too much, but I find that one the worst.
Weeding the garden. Find it difficult to get up from a kneeling or stooping position. Guess I am not as young as I think I am……
Cleaning out my desk drawers and filing cabinets of old HSN order receipts,taxes paid,etc.I wish once I did not need them anymore,that the genie would know and they would magically be gone.:womanwink:
This is an easy one never have to clean my house again.
Exercise. Although I love the way I feel afterward, and know it’s physically necessary, I resent the amount of time it eats up out of each day. Give me the health benefits without eating up my life! There’s so many other creative things I’d rather be doing–like more gaming in Arcadia!
dusting. hands down, no doubt, 100%, from my mouth to God’s ears- dusting!!!
cheers to a great question, loves. xoxo
? DEAL!:catvery-happy:
? ? i will do your floors, if you do the litter. before you answer….remember i have eight cats.:cattongue:
Hi Adam! I need a Genie to clean my floors. I’m talkin shampooing the carpets and mopping the tile and polishing the hard wood!! Now that would be fantastic. :smileyvery-happy::smileyvery-happy::smileyvery-happy:
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
82 Replies
10.20.16 12:32 AM
0 Participants