For the first time in many years, my entire extended family are all going to be in the same place at the same time. They’re coming from FL, NV, CA, KY, GA and several places from here in MI. I’ve been so excited I could hardly sleep.
Twenty-four hours ago, I had a bad fall on the ice. I fell backward & hit my head on the cement step. From what the Dr assessed, I was unconscious about 20-30 minutes. The ambulance people were great. At first I didn’t know what was happening as the pain was (and still is) excruciating. I received 37 staples on the back of my head. Of course. part of my head had to be shaved. There are several fractures in my left arm & I have a concussion. I’ll need to have surgery on my left arm. However, the Dr put a rigid temporary splint on it. This goes from my left wrist up to my shoulder.
Before surgery can take place the swelling needs to be reduced. I have an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon December 27 th. I won’t know any more until I see him. In the mean time, my heart feels shattered at not being able to spend Christmas with my family.
Thank you for listening. Please know that I wIsh all of you the very best of this holiday season. Enjoy one another, laugh, catch up on family news…and take many photos. Express your love to one another (if genuine) verbally. This, often, is the greatest gift of all. :heart::heart::heart:
I am so sorry this happened to you. I hope the pain is not too bad.
I am preying that things work out for you:heart: God Bless!
Merry Christmas:smileyhappy:
..I am so sorry for what you are going through..
How things can change in an instant!
Maybe you can Skype with your family for a few minutes?..
Wishing you the best..Hope you will be feeling somewhat better soon..Sounds like a long road ahead..
Here’s hoping you can have you can have somewhat of a pleasant Christmas..although not what you were hoping for..
Sure hope 2017 will be much better for you..
((( HUGS)))
Oh Lady, I am so sorry to hear about this. I’m sending you prayers of comfort and healing. Your family will be keeping you in their thoughts just like you will be keeping them in your heart. Please rest and let the doctors take care of you.
That is just awful, so sorry to hear that. My prayers go out to you, and wish you a speedy recovery. Please make sure you keep us updated, you’re a very nice girl.
Sorry to hear about your fall.
Sending Prayers. :heart:
So sorry to read about your terrible fall on ice. I wish you speedy recovery, I pray for relief from pain & thorough healing. You are such a dear & sweet lady. Your posts are always so positive and inspiring and I was so saddened to read this has happened to you & especially over the holiday. I will continue to pray for you & hope you will someway get to have contact with your family. Wishing many many blessings to come your way 🙂
I’m beyond grateful for all your heartfelt replies. A major bleed started last night on the back of my head where the staples are (NOT inside head). The pain has not subsided… yet. Tomorrow I have appointment with the surgeon. Once the swelling is reduced surgery can be done. However, I now have an upper respiratory infection. This could interfere with the surgery. I’ve felt down about all this. Then again, this happened here in the USA and not overseas! I need much help with everyday things…help has been slow to be set-up due to the holidays. Right now, I wish I could scoop you all up and give you a big hug! Your kind & caring words are a powerful “medicine”. My hope for all of you was that you had a wonderfully joyous Christmas. Again. I want to express my gratitude for your kindness. You Ladies are awesome! :heart::heart::heart:
OMDog so very sorry L4P!
I hope you are okay- please check in when you can. I see you were due back at the Hospital 2 days ago and they may have kept you after your appt w/ the surgen.
That is very serious and as you know you must take great care and be very cautious. If you want to share about the surgery please do.
I can relate all to well and I hope the family can get together and do something special with you when you are on the other side of all of this.
I have been in a very bad way myself. I had a brain aneurism caused by a blood clot that was caught just in the nic of time but I have to lay very low and not move around much- plus I’ve had severe head pain and also missed the family gathering at Christmas. I have been holed up at home for 3 weeks and counting.
Since I have been praying so much lately I am most certainly adding you in- again please let us know how you are when you can. All my love and blessings to you dear One.
You have had a very rough year health wise L4P, I hope you recover from this quickly and have a healthy, prosperous 2017.
Keeping you in my prayers Lady…………….
Your replies are the encouragement needed! It’s just past 4:30 AM and I need to be at the hospital by 6 AM for surgery. They’ll keep me at least a couple days. I know the cast will be on for 16 weeks. There’ll also be a long stretch of physical therapy. Not looking forward to that. However, it’s critical in gaining function, mobility and range of motion. I’ll do whatever it takes. I’ll have much surgical hardware in my left arm…already have it in right arm. (Right arm was crushed several years ago) Recovery was long…yet, I DID RECOVER.
You Ladies are the best and I deeply appreciate each one of you. :heart::heart::heart:
, sorry that you had such a horrible scary accident.
Hope yor surgery went well.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
41 Replies
03.03.17 11:28 PM
0 Participants